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Neighborhood watch and the Security guards are working

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by msflynn, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Charles, are you serious?!?! If you get a speeding ticket, does that mean your wife should not be able to drive either? ;)
  2. VTAlum

    VTAlum New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    so you're suggesting you should get fired if their son or daughter [edited by moderator] on your bosses desk? If you do have children like that I would suggest getting them help.
  3. brim

    brim Member

    Nov 18, 2003
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    [Edited by moderator - no personal attacks] , I never said I had a kid that would crap in a pool.

    If an employee brings their teenage child to their workplace, leaves the kid unattended and they end up taking a dump on the desk of their parent's boss...yes, I think that might be grounds for dismissal. Your example asked if we should summarily fire employees who had dumb kids, but for that example to be valid, the dumb kid would have to do something to the employer which is the case here with the pools. There are plenty of dumb kids around, but not all of them pinch one off in the pool.

    If you're going to try to make some point, make sure it makes sense first.
  4. agnesk

    agnesk New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Without getting involved in the rest of these conversations, I concur that the entire family should NOT be punished as a result of their teen's actions.

    If this happened in my family, my teen would also be working for the HOA for the rest of the summer. Cleaning toilets, pulling weeds, whatever. But there is no reason why his sister should be denied going to the pool because of his actions.

    And who's to say that I'm a bad parent if my kid ever sneaks out of the house? I know where he is when I go to bed, I lock the doors and set the alarm. He knows he is dead meat if he sneaks out, but teens don't always think ahead and he might just think he can pull one over on me. Not gonna happen [I hope].
  5. VTAlum

    VTAlum New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Nice and classy to turn this personal. The fact is, yes parents can lock their kids inside, but even then they will sneak out at times. The parallel being drawn here is that you only have a certain amount of control over your kids intellect just like you only have a certain amount of control over their behavior. Part of it being morals taught by parents, the other part being just who the kid is and how they are ‘hard-wired’ from birth. You can’t help if your kid is just programmed to be more deviant or less intelligent. This is exactly the same as how a parents mentoring of a son or daughter will only make up part of their adolescent behavior. Of course everyone loves to think that it’s completely the parents fault if a kid does something wrong, but fact is at that age kids start to make up their own minds about what is right and wrong and how far they are willing to let peer pressure take them. No amount of parenting can prevent a kid for deciding he just wants to test his/her boundaries. Why should the parents and siblings be punished for this...

    To throw one more comparison out there… I guess we should also tar and feather the Cho family after April 16th? Like the work example these are just meant to make people step back and think before posting ridiculous statements like “we should ban this whole family from the pool”, by comparing this situation for an exaggerated incident that shows just how silly it is.
  6. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    Quick note:

    Before this thread turns any worse, I want to remind everyone of a few rules.

    1. No personal attacks.
    2. Do not use special characters to get around the profanity filter.

    If you feel the need to attack someone or use profanity, please do it outside these forums.

  7. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    I think there has to be a balance between keeping tabs on your children (teens) and instilling trust.
  8. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    Ok everyone (prior messages removed) -->

    Get back to the discussion and keep it clean or it gets locked. Take personal matters OFFLINE please.
  9. Kaosdad

    Kaosdad Will work for Rum

    Sep 21, 2005
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    :rant: It puts the Nice back in the Thread or It gets the Hose again!
  10. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Another invalid comparison

    1 - the Cho kid wasn't a minor
    2 - the Cho kid wasn't living in the house with the parents

    When you have a minor - the parents are responsible for any damages they inflict. Plenty of PHYSICAL damage has been done to the pools as well as plenty of 'loss of services'.

    We don't know if this particular kid who was caught was responsible for other previous acts - but the kid should be prosecuted, have the crap scared out of him by the Sheriff, and the parents SHOULD have to pay any restitution.

    Leaving the 'punishment' just to the parents is a bad thing. If the parents were in control or sync with their child's actions to start with - this wouldn't be happening.
  11. broken skull

    broken skull New Member

    Mar 3, 2007
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    I hope that people arent too quick to think that catching one person will stop the vandalism. We know that everyone reads these forums, so no doubt the ruffians are reading it too. If we let the gaurd down because one person was caught, I am sure it will happen again...and again.
  12. latka

    latka Active Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I don't think anyone is against punishing the kid. That should be left up to the courts. Banning the family would be wrong and probably actionable.
  13. latka

    latka Active Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Do you have kids? If so, how old?
  14. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Let's say the parents have zero idea of where their kid is (maybe he/she ran away from home) much less what their kid was doing while missing.

    As Flynn pointed out, there is physical damage as well as "loss of services" for our residents. In addition let's factor in the multitude of hours by Staci and other residents in an effort to protect our community's assets and potentially catch the perpetrators in the act.

    Remember these folks V O L U N T E E R their free time to ensure our community is an enjoyable place to raise a family.

    As adults it is incumbent upon us to take action when it is required. I am not saying we have the right to police other people's kids...however IMO we have an obligation to conduct ourselves in a productive manner.

    If you have issues with the decisions made by the leaders of our community - well volunteer your free time and be part of the solution....just my $.02 - take it or leave it.
  15. Baywatch68

    Baywatch68 New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Before we kick the family out of Broadlands and inform any community they move into that their child might have thrown poo in a pool, can we please come to our senses. I realize that people may not have been able to use the pool and that Staci and the others have put in a ton of time dealing with this, but let us remember, we're talking about poo in a pool.

    I'm not saying the kid in question shouldn't be punished, but I think some need a reality check.
  16. agnesk

    agnesk New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    "If the parents were in control or sync with their child's actions to start with - this wouldn't be happening."

    Steve, I know you're a good guy and all, but come on, you've got little kids. Wait till they get a older. Yes, I have a lot of control over my kids, but they have minds of their own and they are not in my presence every single minute of the day. Teens need some space. Did you want mommy and daddy around you every minute when you were 15?

    Yes, they will make mistakes and yes they will get punished for it. And hopefully they will learn from it. But don't make it sound like I'm a negligent parent if my kid screws up and does something stupid.
  17. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Given the time frame this kid was caught.. and under the circumstances.. there is a bit of negligence going on here IMO. This isn't a kid sneaking out at 3am while his parents are asleep!

    Nor given the pattern of events in the community is this a kid going off and doing something stupid for fun once. The people doing this obviously have the wrong values instilled in them - and yes, a monster portion of that comes from the parents. Parent's don't control kids... they mold them.

    There are compounded issues with this particular situation. This isn't a kid who just snuck off and just happened to get caught doing it once... and I do hold the parents accountable for the child's actions... as I expect others will of my children when they reach that age.

    That is the responsibility you inherit with having children. Don't want it? Don't have 'em.
  18. agnesk

    agnesk New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Who says we don't want the responsibility? Like I said, just wait a little till your kids are older. Trust me.

    I mold and I mold and I mold....but there comes a time when teens have to make a choice. You hope they make the right choice; the choice you taught them. But it just doesn't always happen. Then you discipline them and mold, mold, mold again. Kids aren't robots that do exactly what they are progammed to do.
  19. VTAlum

    VTAlum New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    I'm going to have to again disagree with this. IMO, if you are too controlling of a child growing up you're just asking for trouble once they are out on their own. In college I noticed that the kids who had the hardest time with grades and staying out of trouble were typically the ones who's parents were far too overbearing while they were growing up. You need to let the kids live and learn. Obviously there should be some kind of punishment here (the severity of which obviously is something not everyone will agree on) so that this kid learns what he did was wrong... but come on, exiling an entire family and introducing this adolescent to the criminal system is not the proper way to go about this on a first offense. If we took the kinds of actions some are suggesting here, than half of the communities teenagers would have a ciminal record right now since they (almost) all break a few laws at some point or another: underage drinking, drugs, vandalism, theft, etc...You may think this crime is worse just because it affected you, but the rest according to the criminal system is worse. It's a part of growing up; when you get caught you get in trouble and you learn a valuable lesson. Every kid goes through it to some extent, you just hope they learn earlier in life than later when things can become more serious. I'm sure this kid has now learned his lesson... thanks to the great work of the community watch.
  20. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    What happened to just throwing the pool furniture into the pool????;)

    Lee j

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