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2 ipv4 addresses on one adaptor???

Discussion in 'Community Broadband & Computers' started by Mike-and-Kim, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Mike-and-Kim

    Mike-and-Kim Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    Never had this problem before, and unsure how it occurred (recently installed windows 7 updates) or ??

    First noticed it showing as two addresses on ultravnc server, one being the computer e.g. the other not related to my router (e.g. 169.xxx.xx.xx). However am convinced it is internal since

    1- running ipconfig lists it
    2- disconnecting the router it is still there

    I preferred it as before showing the one ip address that I had set.

    Hopefully this makes some sense to someone, I've tried to fix this for hours and am running out of ideas. Not sure how to get it back to how it was before, any help at all appreciated.
  2. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I'm not following you what you are trying to 'fix'

    the 169. address is the 'auto configure' IP.. what windows will default to if it can't set an IP automatically. Basically, just windows answer to 'I can't find an IP to use, so I'll just use this'. You can see this when it can't grab an IP via DHCP.

    what is config listing.. a separate adapter? or two IPs under the same physical adapter. Do you have any virtual adapters like teaming/paired adapters?
  3. Mike-and-Kim

    Mike-and-Kim Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    That makes sense, but I just checked and the router has DHCP enabled. Ipconfig is listing one adapter with two IPV4 addresses.

    I don't think I've have any virtual or teamed adapters. I do have two adapters on another computer, but only use one.

    Another clue is that when browsing for devices to add (using program) the ip address of a server (of a fixed ip address that I put it at) is shown as 169.x, instead of 192.x. Sorry for the lack of clarity, just barely know what I'm doing...

    Attached is an example of what chicken of the vnc looks like bringing up a computer with UltraVNC (same computer but changed the to trying to fix it).

    Attached Files:

  4. Mike-and-Kim

    Mike-and-Kim Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    Update: fixed this by reinstalling UltraVNC.

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