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Adelphia upload raised to 256k

Discussion in 'Community Broadband & Computers' started by WesGurney, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Wouldn't using http://wdc.speakeasy.net be a better representation?

    2004-01-13 21:58:29 EST: 476 / 248
    Your download speed : 476737 bps, or 476 kbps.
    A 58.1 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 248046 bps, or 248 kbps.

    That's pretty poopie. But compared to what I'm currently getting with my IDSL (which is hosting my servers now), it's pretty good. I get 114/115 on my IDSL...

    Mr. Linux
    Got Broadband?
    Yea, REALLY SOON now!
  2. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Tonight at 11:15pm.. to the wdc site

    2004-01-13 23:17:36 EST: 1363 / 242
    Your download speed : 1363182 bps, or 1363 kbps.
    A 166.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 242365 bps, or 242 kbps.
    Seems like broadband .. above the 1mbit barrier!

  3. boomertsfx

    boomertsfx Booyakasha!

    Feb 14, 2002
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    2004-01-13 23:54:26 EST: 1460 / 95
    Your download speed : 1460633 bps, or 1460 kbps.
    A 178.2 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 95785 bps, or 95 kbps.

    no firewall enabled, etc. ugh! tomorrow I'll try to remove the splitter and hook direct and see how things go. I still think it's a config issue.

    For you other SB4100'ers, what config file does adelphia have you on? I'm using:

    Retrieved TFTP Config plink-moto-sb410x.cm SUCCESS

    ...unfortunately the new configs disable SNMP so I can poke around to see how the modem is set up...
  4. WesGurney

    WesGurney New Member

    Mar 27, 2002
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    Mr. Linux - didn't know about http://wdc.speakeasy.net, thanks for the info!

    Just did a speedtest this morning and things are looking back to normal
    2004-01-14 08:18:52 EST: 1816 / 246
    Your download speed : 1816810 bps, or 1816 kbps.
    A 221.7 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 246548 bps, or 246 kbps.
  5. Dwarflord

    Dwarflord New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
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    Wait until people get home and online, then try again at about 7-8pm...[V]
    The problem definitely appears to be bandwidth related. If it were a "router" issue as adelphia claims, the problem would be all the time, or there would be additional symptoms. If you think about it, the evening hours is when the high latency and low bandwidth problems kick in, which would be about the same time the majority of users would also be online.....;)
    Adelphia would never admit to "over-selling" their service now would they.....but , if it were a router problem(which is what they claim)....then how could you "really" complain.....
    Of all the major router vendors out there, there isnt any I know of ATT that is short on parts. Network build outs are not as widespread as they used to be so parts are available. To take weeks and weeks for a "router" to get fixed is unheard of. But, to take weeks and weeks to get additional bandwidth/fiber provisioned and installed, well heck ya, weeks and weeks is commonplace for that. So if you look at all the evidence, I would say this is a bandwidth issue and not a router problem...LOL.
    BTW, I used to do this stuff for a living for years, this is a "fingerprint" symptom of overselling services / circuit overutilzation. What im worried about is that they have no ETA!

  6. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    My latest speed test, from http://wdc.speakeasy.net

    2004-01-16 21:55:58 EST: 1149 / 246
    Your download speed : 1149522 bps, or 1149 kbps.
    A 140.3 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 246153 bps, or 246 kbps.

    Mr. Linux
    Got Broadband?
    Yea, REALLY SOON now!
  7. Dan

    Dan New Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    2004-01-17 20:05:09 EST: 186 / 234
    Your download speed : 186825 bps, or 186 kbps.
    A 22.8 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 234329 bps, or 234 kbps.


    Ping statistics for www.yahoo.com
    Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 10, Lost = 0 (0.0%)
    Round Trip Times: Minimum = 64ms, Maximum = 83ms, Average = 76ms

    The average ping is 76ms! It should be no higher than 20ms.

  8. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Unless you're right off of a backbone, you will NEVER see pings that low to Yahoo. I have boxes hosted at Equinix in Ashburn and at Level3 in Tysons and get about 4-5ms pings to Yahoo. That's because I'm 3 hops away from them, and running through a LARGE pipe! My IDSL line here at home, which is known for its low latency, gets 27ms. I SERIOUSLY doubt you can expect anything less than 35ms to Yahoo on a good day using Adelphia. We're definately not hanging off of a major backbone here... And for $35/month, would you even expect to?

    While I agree that an average of 76ms is high, saying that it should be less than 20ms is absurd...

    Not a sermon, just a thought... ;)

    Now, your transfer-speeds definately suck! There must be something weird going on in your case... Here are my results from a minute ago, hitting http://wdc.speakeasy.net :

    2004-01-17 21:23:31 EST: 578 / 247
    Your download speed : 578869 bps, or 578 kbps.
    A 70.6 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 247096 bps, or 247 kbps.

    My upload is what I always get. My downloads suck again tonight, but that's because it's still 'prime time'... Same thing happened last night; I was back up to 2200/247 by 10:45pm. Adelphia definately has an over-capacity issue issue here... Hopefully they will have this resolved soon. They say they are aware of it and have some equipment ordered... Well, we all know they're actually waiting for more 'pipe'... :D

    Mr. Linux
    Got Broadband?
    Yea, REALLY SOON now!
  9. Dan

    Dan New Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    See my post on page 4 of this thread. I copied my ping plot to yahoo. Averaged 20ms and that's a good day on Adelphia. So it is possible.
  10. Dan

    Dan New Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Just completed another speed test:

    2004-01-18 12:57:00 EST: 485 / 238
    Your download speed : 485355 bps, or 485 kbps.
    A 59.2 KB/sec transfer rate.
    Your upload speed : 238578 bps, or 238 kbps.

    Better, but I'm not getting my $54 worth.
  11. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Dan, at least you're up!

    Adelphia's been down on my street since 9am today. Not sure if the outage is isolated to my street (Autumnwood Sq) or to a bigger portion of Ashburn/Broadlands... In what general area of Broadlands are you?

    Tech support was awesome when I talked to them when the outage occured. I have IDSL at home for my servers, so I went to the Powerlink website, did the online help/tech support thing through their online chat. Had a support person online with me immediately and she was VERY knowledgeable! None of that 'scripted do this do that' crap... She checked things out, noted that in fact, there was an issue and that engineers had documented the issue about 20 minutes prior to me contacting them...

    Of course, I'm still not up, but at least this time, tech support left me with a good, warm feeling instead of wanting to drive down to their offices and smack them accross the head with a couple of patch-cables...

    So far, I've been down for 6 hours... Let's see when I get back online...

    Mr. Linux
    Got Broadband?
    Yea, REALLY SOON now!
  12. Dwarflord

    Dwarflord New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
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    Ya, I agree we should be able to see pings around 20ms, nothing better definitely. Obviously Adelphia is a customer of a Tier 1 providrer (Level 3) so there should be no bottlenecks on that ISPs backbone. As long as Adelphia has no bottlenecks to the tier 1 isp, we should be able to get the 20ms to yahoo. But there is a bottleneck and has been since I singed up over a month ago. Here is a trace from Sprinlink's looking glass to my home adelphia IP address. You see it looks great from sprint, to level 3 and even all the way to Charlottesville on Adelphia's network. But you will see the ping go from a nice 8ms up to just over 100ms at one hop. That hop is where the bandwidth bottleneck is. I guess they have a DS3 when they should have something closer to an OC-3 circuit. So during heavy usage (apparently normal usage now since they are overselling their service) one will see the latency increase as well as bandwidth decrease. They need to upgrade their bandwidth between these ip addresses: and If you notice on the traceroute that there are 2 different AS numbers and the subnet of the ip addresses is also different. This tells me Adelphia has bought a small network and tried to tap it into their larger network. The smaller network does not have the bandwidth necessary for thier customers.....just look at this trace and you'll see exactly what Im referring to.....:
    sl-bb20-rly>trace 68-235-170-162.chvlva.adelphia.net

    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Tracing the route to "my home ip".chvlva.adelphia.net (

    1 sl-bb23-rly-9-0.sprintlink.net ( 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec
    2 sl-st20-ash-11-0.sprintlink.net ( 4 msec 4 msec 0 msec
    3 unknown.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 4 msec 0 msec 0 msec
    4 so-2-1-0.bbr1.Washington1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 4 msec 4 msec 0 msec
    5 ge-7-1.ipcolo2.Washington1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 4 msec 4 msec 4 msec
    6 unknown.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 0 msec 0 msec 4 msec
    7 unk-426d0199.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 4 msec
    g1-02-00-00.r0.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 4 msec
    unk-426d0199.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 4 msec
    8 p3-00-00-00.n0.dca91.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 4 msec
    p3-02-00-00.n0.dca91.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 4 msec 4 msec
    9 p3-03-00-00.r0.cho00.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 8 msec 8 msec 8 msec
    10 g1-03-03-00.a0.cho00.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 8 msec
    g1-00-02-00.a0.cho00.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 8 msec
    g1-03-03-00.a0.cho00.adelphiacom.net ( [AS 19548] 8 msec
    11 [AS 19548] 8 msec 8 msec 8 msec
    12 [AS 7843] 96 msec 104 msec 100 msec
    13 [AS 7843] 104 msec 104 msec 108 msec
    14 "my home ip".chvlva.adelphia.net ( [AS 7843] 112 msec 112 msec 116 msec
    15 * * *

  13. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Dwarflord, you are right; I stand corrected, but only this ONE TIME! ;)

    Side note; Link came back up on the cable modem at 6pm tonight, for a total outage of 9 hours...

    Mr. Linux
    Got Broadband?
    Yea, REALLY SOON now!
  14. Dan

    Dan New Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Linux, I'm in Overland Park.
  15. Dwarflord

    Dwarflord New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
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    Sorry, I actually wasnt trying to be like that....[:I] . A 9 hour outage for Adelphia is pretty short. It must have also been affecting TV as well, normally they dont move that quickly.....[:eek:)]
    How good are you really at Linux? Do you have any dedicated servers off a Co-lo facility? Who do you use as your provider?
    I just got started into it about a month ago and find that the webmin application makes it easier to configure the server than the CLI...:D. Just curious, because I hate doing things the hard way, and if there is an easy way, Id rather do that......but I dont really want to hi-jack the thread.

  16. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    Been doing Linux since 1993, so I can get around with it ;)
    I run a boatload of Linux servers at home (don't ask, I have a VERY patient wife...); I do all the tech work for the Terrorism Research Center {http://www.terrorism.com (all Linux)} and some DHS projects (all Linux)...
    I have equipment at Equinix in Ashburn, as well as Level3 in Tysons. The rest, is personal stuff running in my makeshift racks in the corner of my garage. My stuff at home runs through a slow IDSL line. No server restrictions, static IP's etc...
    I actually run Webmin on a lot of boxes. Makes setting up a few things a little easier and a little quicker. Make sure you lock it down properly and always use SSL... For the rest, I prefer the command-line, through SSH. If you have telnet running on any of your boxes, remove it...
    If you have any questions, etc, feel free to contact me directly via email; I'll be glad to help!

    Mr. Linux
    Got Broadband?
    Yea, REALLY SOON now!
  17. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    --- www.yahoo.akadns.net ping statistics ---
    17 packets transmitted, 17 received, 0% packet loss, time 16169ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18.275/20.493/29.885/2.958 ms

    Just wish it was like this in prime time.


    Got Broadband?
  18. Dwarflord

    Dwarflord New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
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  19. csoong

    csoong New Member

    Jan 7, 2004
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    My trouble ticket at Adelphia was routed to the Outbound Response Group (ORG). This group calls me every four or five days and updates me on status to the download speed problems. Yesterday's call acknowledged that they are having bandwidth issues affecting all customers in the Ashburn/Leesburg areas (the problem is a bottleneck located in Winchester, VA). The person I spoke to stated that ETA can be as short as two weeks and as long as two months or more. This trouble is not marked "critical" so it doesn't have the highest priority at Adelphia right now. I'll continue to update this forum with updates as I learn more. They will now be calling me weekly.
  20. Dwarflord

    Dwarflord New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
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    Thanks for the update! I knew it had to be bandwidth problems. 2 months! ouch. I may have to open a ticket as well. 120ms just to get off of Adelphia is not much fun, nor is 180k bandwidth at peak hours.


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