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Any Stay at Home mom's of teens around?

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by Brassy, May 2, 2006.

  1. Brassy

    Brassy Hiyah

    May 25, 2004
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    I have two kids - 12.5 and 17 next month. I stay at home and do keep busy, but my BF lives in Atlanta and I am in need of some friends!

    I spent most of the last few years caring form my mom while she died from ALS. This last year I had surgery twice for ryhtym issues with my heart, which thankfully are all fixed now and I am no longer on meds.

    I want to start a group of women who like to see movies, talk about anything, drink wine/margaritas, go out to lunch occasionally, read some good books, go for walks or bike rides- whatever-and generally whoop it up. I do go to church (am Epsicopal) but am NOT looking for a bible study or something like that.

    It is not easy here to make friends if you no longer are room mom or involved in PTA, Girl Scouts or whatever. Most of the time I pal around with my 73 year old MIL, which is good, because we train together 2 days a week and we do get along, but we both know that we each need to have more friends our own ages (I'll be 42 in June.) This is pretty pathetic, I know.

    What I don't want is a group that is going to act like they are still in high school. I never had time for "Foofy" girls. I sang in multiple choirs, Entertained people in Musicals, Loved to Read, played the piano and 2 other instruments, and liked my Poli-Sci classes. I played soccer and volleyball in HS, and rowed Crew in college. Of course now, If I could get a crew workout that would be great as that is the only sport that works your enitre body. I'm ashamed to say I've let myself go - partly due to what I've been dealing with.

    I worked for many years in accounting and that is definately against my grain, being a Gemini (excpt for the supposed flirtatious, running from guy to guy!) I've been married for 19 years. I love most kinds of Music, and love to rock out! But I have no patience for heavy swearing hip hop.

    We love to throw parties, and were always party central, but then got tired of being of always being the givers.

    So Anyway, enough about me! If you feel similar socailly and mentally,want to have a place to go where you won't be judged by what yopu say or feel, then please contact me through responding to this thread. Thanks

    Heather Bates - "Rock on"

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