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Beware of burglars!!

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by RB'sMom, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. mamatothree

    mamatothree New Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Briar Woods High School is at 22525 Belmont Ridge Road
  2. ker

    ker New Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    You guys are absolutly riddiculous. You cannot call the cops on teenagers for simply walking around. Kids walk around because their is nothing else to do in this area of Ashburn. Not every teenager robs houses and they probaly ran from the cops because they were cutting class. get a life house mom and read up about the 4th amendment of the United States constitution.
  3. PowerPlay

    PowerPlay Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I agree with your sentiment, but everyone needs to calm down and stop being so mean. Come on people, get in the holiday spirit!!!
  4. HappyinVA

    HappyinVA Proud Broadlands resident

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I agree... maybe less rudely (smile), but I definitely agree. Just b/c there were some teenagers that were seen around noon that happened to run when the cops were called does not automatically mean that a crime was committed. The subject line of this thread says "Beware of burglars..." How do we know that these kids were burglars? Who amongst us has not known someone (or been that teenager) that ditched school and was wary of cops as a result. Locking up our homes and protecting ourselves should be common sense. But assuming the worst in everyone is a bit of paranoia. I’m of the age where all teens are somewhat suspicious, but that’s neither here nor there. Point being, let’s not jump to conclusions without real evidence.
  5. cobymom

    cobymom Sheila Ryan

    Sep 11, 2008
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    First of all, she didn't say they were just walking around, she said they were suspicious looking. While I'm not really sure in what way they looked suspicious, there have been enough robberies in the area to justify a call to the police (Not long ago there was a home-invasion incident in our neighborhood, and it happened in the afternoon). These people may not have been teens, maybe they were young adults. It's everybody's responsibility to report something they believe to be suspicious to the police. The police can then decide how to respond.
  6. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    since the OP never came back and confirmed what specifically was suspicious, we may never know WHAT about the teens caused alarm, and whether or not it was truly warranted...

    that said- MANY ppl have some fault in crimes being committed against them- open garage doors, unlocked cars with valuables- behavior that says "no one will rob MEEEE- i live in a SAFE neighborhood!" crimes of opportunity folks- don't be that opportunity!
  7. SevenZero3

    SevenZero3 New Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    A few weeks ago my neighbor was about to enter her car through the garage when she witnessed a man trying to steal 2 bikes. She let out a scream and he bolted onto Claiborne into an awaiting vehicle. Realize the timing here....this occured around 3pm on a weekday...right after or as school was letting out. This shows you how brazen some people have become. With the extension of Claiborne through Route 7, the opening of Broadlands Blvd at Belmont Ridge, and the lanscapers (some hard working, some with maliscious intent), we will continue to see a steady stream of strangers in our easily accessible community. It's everyone's responsibility to remain vigilant and report suspiscious activity.

    BTW...my neighbors speak extemely limited English, so I called the cops and filed a report, with my neighbors present, on their behalf. The officer was very understanding and promised increased patrols in the area.

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