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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I find the closing comments interesting. If they have such a need for services closer to them and the west... then why would putting a facility to the east of leesburg hurt the volume of people using the leesburg facility? Does anyone from the east goto Leesburg for ER? Not usually.

    And in another side note.. I heard about a study on WTOP (but can't find the link on their site?!?!?!) about the grading of medical services. Virginia got a D- for access to Emergency Services.
  2. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I find the closing comments interesting. If they have such a need for services closer to them and the west... then why would putting a facility to the east of leesburg hurt the volume of people using the leesburg facility? Does anyone from the east goto Leesburg for ER? Not usually.

    And in another side note.. I heard about a study on WTOP (but can't find the link on their site?!?!?!) about the grading of medical services. Virginia got a D- for access to Emergency Services.
  3. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    The Study came from the American College of Emergency Physicians and a local CBS station out of Richmond reported about it last night here is the CBS affliates story:


    This is the ACEP report, Virginia was graded as a D- (IMO closer to an F grade than a D) for access to emergency care:
  4. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    thx pea.. I spent 20mins trying to find the story and couldn't on their site. Still can't even with keywords from the study. Bonkers
  5. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    Hey, I looked at their websites, so here are links to make it easy.
    Loudoun Station's plan is epecially interesting. This whole area of VA seems prone to the "city center" thing. I remember when that was a new concept when I lived in Florida, and there was only one such developed "city place" for several dozens of miles in West Palm Beach. Now they seem to be cropping up everywhere.

    Moorefield Station:

    Loudoun Station:
  6. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I think it looks good, we need more of these types of sites. Options, options options!!!
  7. spaceguy1

    spaceguy1 New Member

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I have been researching the hospital for the past six years. When we bought in Broadlands, there was no mention of a hospital being a potential neighbor. If we had wanted to be this close to a hospital, we would have bought in Oakton. But we wrote off Oakton due to the traffic, noise, and other attributes associates with INova Fair Oaks and settled on Broadlands. The Concept Plan we were provided did not identify a hospital as a possible neighbor. In fact, it touted the virtues of a neighborhood office complex. When the possiblity of a hospital was first raised in 2002, I asked what would happen if HCA didn't get apporval to rezone the land for hospital usage and was told the purchase was contigent upon the rezoning. I don't hear that contingency anymore. Living direcltly across from the propopsed hospital, I am very much concerned with the negative impact it will have on our neighborhood. TRhere are many other places in Loudoun HCA could build a hospital that did not infringe upon an existing neighborhood. I only wish they could embrace an approach to consider other possible locations rather than force their 24/7 operation down our throats.
  8. technosapien

    technosapien New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    HCA's already purchased the land, and (if I recall correctly) has owned it since 2001. Its "purchase" is clearly no longer contingent on getting the special exception, since it already owns the land.
  9. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Oh come on! At least try to be believable. I lived in Oakton for years, and grew up in near by Vienna. You're the first person I've ever heard associate Oakton with Fair Oaks Hospital.

    I am surprised you didn't do better research on either the Oakton location or the Broadlands location. If you had you would have found Oakton is not affected by Fair Oaks Hospital, and you would have found Broadlands was going to get a hospital at the current location. A big hint would have been who owned the land. HCA.

  10. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    BTW, Fair Oaks is a wonderful hospital.
  11. Ozgood

    Ozgood Not a space alien

    Sep 27, 2008
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    I still remember the builder's sales representative lying to us when we bought our house in 2001. I specifically pointed to that parcel of land and asked what the plans were. The lying builder told me that it would remain a nature area and that the commercial area would be where the Clydes is.

    One more lesson I learned about buying a home. Don't believe anything the builder tells you. I should have checked with the country. But I have this problem of assuming that people are honourable. I gotta get past that one of these days.
  12. Mr. Linux

    Mr. Linux Senior Member & Moderator Forum Staff

    Jul 26, 2001
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    I've been in Broadlands since early 1999 and EVERY document, flyer, even the big mock-up of the community which was located at the Community Center, that I saw back then showed that area as "Commercial". Sure, the builder probably lied to you, but it doesn't take a 'rocket scientist :happygrin:' to see that all the documentation showed the discrepancy between what the builder told you and reality. A simple "but why do all the plans show this area labled as commercial?" would have maybe solved your issue.
  13. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Inova's latest tactic is the fearmongering campaign that they will shut down Cornwall. Here's HCA's response:

    December 18, 2008
    Mr. Randall Kelley
    Inova Loudoun Hospital
    44045 Riverside Parkway
    Leesburg, VA 20176
    Dear Mr. Kelley:
    In view of your recently articulated concerns about the long-term financial viability of Inova’s
    Cornwall campus in Leesburg, I write to offer HCA’s partnership in developing a plan to help ensure
    emergency services will continue to be offered at that location for the benefit of Loudoun County
    Like you, we believe that the residents of Leesburg and western Loudoun County deserve convenient
    access to emergency medical care. Certainly, Broadlands Regional Medical Center will join Inova
    Loudoun Hospital in offering Loudoun’s residents more access to hospital and emergency room care
    when and if it is approved. At the same time, we recognize the important role the Cornwall campus
    plays in the fabric of the community and in the delivery of needed emergency services. Accordingly,
    we express HCA’s willingness to discuss a mutually acceptable arrangement with Inova Loudoun
    Hospital that would ensure the continued delivery of emergency services at this historic and important
    location for years to come.
    I hope that this is the first of many opportunities we have to partner together on educational,
    community, and healthcare endeavors benefiting the residents of Loudoun County. After all,
    continuation and expansion of the health care safety net helps everyone.
    Please contact me at your convenience to discuss these matters in greater detail.
    Margaret G. Lewis, FACHE
    President, HCA Capital Division
    Cc: Loudoun County Board of Supervisors
    Leesburg Town Council

    So let's summarize what HCA is offering:
    1. The construction of BRMC.
    2. Commitment to buld the Rte 50 Emergency Services Department to be opened in 2010.
    3. Assurances that the Cornwall Emergency Services will remain open.

    And Inova has offered.............what?

    People, if you have ANY concern about continued and additional medical services for this county, we NEED HCA here now to compete with Inova.
  14. Buffettbassman

    Buffettbassman Troll Extrordinare'

    Nov 14, 2006
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    Can I get an AMEN????
  15. Buffettbassman

    Buffettbassman Troll Extrordinare'

    Nov 14, 2006
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    Oh and did the builder tell you that you live next to one of the busiest airports in the world?

    Just checking...
  16. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    There were no assurances in there.. just a willingness to have open discussion to counter an tatic of the other side.

    Also, one has to start to wonder how you can promise everything and still deliver.. at some point you go from making promises to just making claims for anything to get your goal. Especially when such promises are non-binding.
  17. marianne

    marianne Puppy Mommy

    Apr 7, 2004
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    Funny guy.

    We happen to not have a problem with the hospital, we have a problem with the way it was presented to us back then. Just like we didn't have a problem with knowing that there was an airport, duh.

    However, we are pissed because this was the first time we build a house. We asked many questions. Yes, we were pretty clueless when it came to building a house and we got lied to a lot. "The area behind this lot that has a 36k lot premium, will this stay natural?" "Oh yes, that is a wetlands and nobody gets to change that, that is the law. It will always keep the natural look." LIE!!! "So if we want to make a change during the course of the project, like NOT have the closet hardware put in, is that possible? We would like to put in our own hardware." "Oh, not a problem at all, after all, you are not asking for anything extra." LIE!!! "This undeveloped area over there across Broadlands Boulevard, what is going to happen to that, I am not quite sure from the drawing, it looks like they will be building offices or something?" "Oh yes, but these are just concept drawings, right now most likely there will be a shopping center down at the corner, and across Broadlands there should be more houses with maybe some light office space towards Claiborne." LIE!!!! And don't even get me started on the shoddy workmanship. :angryfire: :angryfire:

    We were clueless. We thought we asked questions we would be told the truth. If we ever build a house again, we will know to go and validate everything. We will know to go to the county and find out what permits were filed for. :scaredeyes:

    So while some may find this humorous, I don't. Again, I am all for the hospitals. But I think builders and their sales staff are :censored:. And the first thing I am going to do when I walk into a builders sales office next time, is tell them that I don't need the smile and the empty promises, I've been there, done it, I am just looking. :madflame:

  18. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Buying from a builder sales person is no different from any other sales person.

    What most people don't realize is what different zoning means, or simply that it can be changed by the county. What the person told you at the time may have been the intent.. and it was later changed. The researching at the county office is probably the thing that people don't do.. that they could benefit from when buying.. especially property.

    The only way to ensure something stays the way you want it is to own it yourself.

    The land all along Broadlands Blvd and Demott opposite the VM apartments will all be developed some day. What you think it might be today means nothing to what it will actually be when someone with a checkbook actually comes along.

    The stuff about the house itself... everyone has those stories. The solution, be your own GC :)
  19. cobymom

    cobymom Sheila Ryan

    Sep 11, 2008
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    So, should I feel bad for HCA because they bought land for a hospital that wasn't zoned for one? They knew when they bought the land that it wasn't zoned for a hospital, and they're surprised that there are residents that are opposed? I knew when I bought my house that there would not be a hospital on that site, and I really believe that the residents of Loudoun County would be best served by a hospital in the R50 corridor.
  20. msflynn

    msflynn New Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    I think there is a lot of confusion on the zoned word. This property IS zoned for a hospital it is one on 200 uses listed. However it needs a special exception. All this means it it is not a by right build so it gets lots of public input and lots of scrutiny and lots of proffers attached to it. That is it. Any hospital anywhere in Loudoun county needs a special exception to be built. There is not a single property that is zoned hospital.
    Here is the exact definition for special exception form the Loudoun county zoning web page.
    What is a Special Exception?
    A Special Exception use is one which is not permitted by right, but which may be permitted after assessing and addressing potential uses. The Zoning Ordinance lists, by zoning district, those uses which can be allowed by right or by Special Exception. Only uses contained in these lists will be considered in each zoning district. To determine whether the proposed use requires a Special Exception application within the district, contact the Zoning Administrator in the Department of Building and Development.
    Why do I need a Special Exception application?
    The purpose of the Special Exception application review process is to allow the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors an opportunity to review such requests, identify issues and impose appropriate conditions to avoid, minimize or mitigate the potential negative impacts.


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