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Broadlands Hospital

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    This is being promoted as a regional hospital NOT just a broadlands hospital. Am I wrong here!!!!! or is this just about about hospital care for the few in the broadlands and not for the many. In case you forgot you live in the Dulles district which also includes rt 50 so what about those people???????? they don't count!!!!!
  2. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    I am talking about your direct behavior, the mulitple insults you've made towards me (and countless others).

    GO PLAY SOMEWHERE ELSE...put a fork in me I am done with you and your rhetorical questions.

    Welcome to the ignore feature...and many thanks for tarnishing a "perk" of living in broadlands - the forum - which use to be a great place to dialogue with fellow neighbors.
  3. DanS

    DanS New Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    Sorry Lee, how rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Dan (not Glenn) Schmidt. I live out by Hillsboro and look forward to having a full service hospital 10 minutes closer. I also look forward to the tax revenue and the benefits of competition. I guess I'm just selfish that way.
  4. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    If you feel that Lee has broken the rules, feel free to report him. The admins don't catch everything, they have lives also outside the fourms. As it states in the rules:

  5. KTdid

    KTdid Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    As have others who are posting here. This is not a one way road and the rules should apply across the board.
  6. qzpmal

    qzpmal New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Well, I did what I did not want to do. I had to go to Loudoun INOVA hospital tonight because little pea had an accident (head trauma).

    Here is the timeline of events:
    • 8:39 PM - Departed to LAH
    • 9:01 PM - Arrived at LAH (Yes, many stop signs and stop lights away, amzing how long a five mile trip can be)
    • 9:22 PM - Entered Triage (BTW visibal computer monitor listing patients first and last name, medical condition, doctor assignment, and patient status - HIPPA violation anyone)
    • 9:36 PM - Physician Assistant Came in (Kent) (examined, consulted, ordered CT Scan of head.)
    • 10:21 PM - Escorted to radiology (By Tony who told us how large the ER is built out and if HCA builds its hospital, LAH would be out of business)
    • 10:22 PM - CT conducted by Gloria who was wonderfully gentle with the little guy.
    • 10:25 PM - Returned to ER and waited for the doctor to come in with results (Waltrop)
    • 11:16 PM - Everything checked out okay, discharged without visit from doctor
    Nuts and bolts, little pea checked out okay and there are some wonderful people who work there and we were lucky that there was only two other peds ER patients (per monitor we viewed)......but I am aghast at why an INOVA employee would feel it is appropriate to express his concerns over HCA when what was most important was to take care of our son. I am also concerned why we were not seen by an actual doctor for a head trauma. It will be interesting to see how our insurance is billed for this visit.

    Stay tuned.

    qzpmal - aka Mr. Pea.
  7. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    A doctor did review your case.. a doctor is the one who reviews your films from the CT scan, and didn't you say a doctor was the one who followed up in the ER?

    Who keeps to the minute timestamps between moving around the hospital?

    As someone who also was in the hospital in the last week I think you are over analyzing things. And who brought up HCA or another hospital with the tech? I didn't see that part of the discussion listed.

    I was there 1 week ago.. took about 45mins to get into triage which sucked for me. There were about a dozen people or more in the waiting room and about 6-7 people went before me. I went into triage, finished up there. Went back to waiting.. about 10 mins, then was taken back to a room. ER nurse had a miserable time putting an IV in - I'm still bruised - and once she got the blood she needed decided to abort the IV since I could take oral meds. Saw a doctor relatively quickly, got lab workups, some meds, a scan ordered, and was shortly taken to radiology, quick turn around, waited for the results and doctor (about 25mins) and then was on my way as my stones had moved. Door to door from my house probably about 4 hrs total. The waiting room was empty on my way out at about 12:30am

    As I recall in the triage area, there is one terminal at the station the nurse uses to enter your data. The nurse sits directly in front of you... were you a bit too curious to see such information? And besides, most of that information, a patient's status and names are allowed to be made available via a hospital directory anyways.

    Or from the HHS's website

    You were in a medical treatment area where that information is needed by the physicians in the immediate area. HIPPA is explicitly defined to not HINDER the treatment of patients. I think reading over the shoulder of a nurse isn't exactly what HIPPA is aimed at preventing. You could have overheard the same information between discussions between physicians - that is not a HIPPA violation either.
  8. latka

    latka Active Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    It has never take me 20 minutes to reach Loudoun Hospital.
  9. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Forgot to add glad your little one is fine. I know those first trips to the ER are no fun. We'd have our share of kids screaming, covered in blood runs to the ER through the years.

    Last week we were in twice in less then 12hrs. Once for me, and once because my youngest broke her arm the next morning.

    All said though, I like having the hospital relatively close. Where I grew up, it was about a 30min drive to the ER. Where we had our first child, it was about 20mins to the Hospital from the house. While that seemed close, certainly seemed like a long car ride when the time actually came for the first child :)
  10. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Flynn - Lil Pea is fine and yes it seemed liked a lifetime trying to get to the ER last night with a screaming 9mo who's head was bleeding and qzp/Mr.Pea telling me to slow down.

    I swear we must have hit the Red-Wave...every freakin red light from our house to the ER.

    ...didnt bring up HCA (kind of cruel for you to allude to the fact we would) - all we cared about was getting our son treated - it was the Inova employee who brought it and I find that disgusting.
  11. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    you must be one of those soccer moms speeding down Chickacoan ad Vestals gap at 40 mph! ;) kidding!

    it takes us 11 minutes to get there- i know this b/c when we dine in Lansdowne we always bet how long it will take and barring wierd traffic or weather- it's always 11 minutes....
  12. latka

    latka Active Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    11 minutes sounds more like it. I swear i am not a soccer mom! :)
  13. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    I think the time to get to the hospital can vary from 10 to 20 minutes easily.

    Granted I would say that most commutes should be under 15 minutes but if there is enough traffic at the 4-way stops... I think we all know how much trouble some drivers have with them! :D
  14. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I remember when my little guy was 2 years old. OK long time ago :) It was a sunny afternoon in burke center. I was home alone with the two boys and Dalyn was helping out at the local school. Anyway I heard the youngest one crying in the other room and when I got in there his head was covered in blood. I grabbed him and covered him in a towel.

    He was bleeding really bad and the towel was getting soaked in blood of course as a parent I thought he was going to bleed to death. I ran to all my neighbors and of course nobody was home on this saturday afternoon. So I got the two kids in the SUV and held my little one while I was driving to the urgent care and I was getting covered in blood also. As I entered the waiting room a bunch of people almost instantly said """" oh my god""" Of course as a scared parent that did not make me feel any better. We were rushed into one of the rooms and the doctor came in immediately and the first soothing words I heard was from him. He said it is not as bad as you think it is just a head wound and that bleeds a lot. The doc cleaned him and sewed him up with about six stitches. I will never forget those terrifying minutes which seemed like hours as long as I live.. thank god that was one of the worst things that happened to my kids growing up so we were lucky as you might say.

    apparently my little guy was playing with a large toy airplane or actually trying to ride and fell off it and hit his head on the door catch. thank god it was not anything more serious. I still remember those few terrifying moments on that drive to the urgent care.

    I guess my point is even a few minutes can seem like forever when you are taking your child to the emergency and you don't know how bad or how little the problem is.
  15. Baywatch68

    Baywatch68 New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Kind of makes you want to be close to a hospital.
  16. boomertsfx

    boomertsfx Booyakasha!

    Feb 14, 2002
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    like we already are!
  17. qzpmal

    qzpmal New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Flynn, I do not know which post you were reading, but it definitely was not mine as it is apparant that you have taken things out of context, misquoted it, and jumped to conclusions as usual.

    I never said a doctor did not review the case. We would not have been discharged if one had not....duh. What I said was that we were told twice the doctor would come in and both times it did not occur. Since it was a slow night, I also could not understand why no time was given to us by the doctor on duty.

    We do when it concerns the wellbeing of our child and when we go to an HCA hospital next, I will be more than happy to post those times too for comparison if you like. Fact of the matter is that triage was conducted on a first come first serve basis instead of based on critical need. If they now how two ERs, one for adults and one for peds, they should have separate triages too. A bump on an adult's head is much less concerning than a bump on a child's head.

    I am insulted to think that we would use a family crisis situation to bring up HCA/INOVA ourselves when our only concern was for our son. Of course the tech brought it up. To insinuate otherwise, is really low.

    Guess you have inside information or a spy camera showing you what the nurse is doing at every moment. If we were the patients, then yes this is usually what happens. Since our 9mo. old was the patient, the nurse needed to move around a bit to get to the equipment to check his vitals. We had to move as well since we were holding him at the time too.

    Dude, you are way off base on this one. The information should not be visible nor would I want the next patient to read mine either and again to insinuate something such as looking over a shoulder when you were not even there is plain ludicrous. BTW, My company developed the online HIPAA training used by the Department of Veterans Affairs and thepea worked for the Law Firm that wrote it. So your interpretations of HIPAA really do not stand with either of us as we know this Law better than just about any common citizen.

    Bottom line, people should speak based on what they know. To do otherwise is just plain foolish.

    Thanks for asking. He is doing fine and is very resilliant. Was very nerve wracking and not an experience I want to have again any time soon.

  18. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Steve, let it go! ;)
  19. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Whatever - that's not what your post said.. its there for everyone to read for themselves.

    I don't know how else you expect someone to interpret what you wrote. We can only go on what you post, not what you may have meant.

    Really? now you're a doctor too? Being qualified to make that assessment. My biggest concern about the current setup is their lack of real assessment before triage. Half the time they didn't even acknowledge the person signing in.

    I'm just asking for the rest of the conversation. I find it quite a stretch for a random person to bring up such a topic on a whim. 'Hey, how you feeling today, what about that HCA hospital' :confused:

    I've just made a statement about how the place is setup. Something you haven't denied either. The point was the nurse needs such information in that space - a space shared by patients and the nurse. Last I looked at the screens, they were setup for reading by a person in front of it... not 72 point text to be read by the entire room. The nursing stations have patient information on them as well if you look over the counter. I don't really see your point.

    And I too have developed software and hardware for sale into the medical space - including the VA specifically. I've been part of numerous projects for several of the VISNs around the country (including the autonomy that most work within). I'm familiar with many of the requirements and behaviors that the platforms must adhere to in those spaces. I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. If you think its such a violation of your privacy - file a complaint.
  20. qzpmal

    qzpmal New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Well Flynn, you just proved my point about your inferences. Everybody can go back and read my post and in no place does it say that the doctor did not review our case. It says that he never came in to see our son.

    The bill reference was not to insinuate that a doctor would charge us when no doctor was involved because we know a doctor reviewed the case. This reference is because during past trips to the ER for thepea, we have been charge for "doctor's office visit" when no office visit occured. It was not inappropriate for the doctor to charge for their service but they did charge inappropriately.

    Can't argue with you on this one. I am not a doctor nor qualified to make the assessment other than believing in common sense. I do agree about the lack of real assessment and they did not acknowledge us either. I concede this point.

    Not the way it went down so either man up and call me a liar directly or concede the point. You weren't there.

    You know what you inferred and blantantly came out and said. Again you were not there. So you can man up on this one too or drop it.

    Honestly, the HIPAA part of my post is the least of my concerns. Just do not feel comfortable with the information being out in the open. So call it even on this one.


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