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Commuter Bus Advisory Board Meeting @ Leesburg this evening

Discussion in 'Community Carpool Connection' started by naveenka, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. naveenka

    naveenka New Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    BUS BIZ - September 28, 2006

    Commuter Bus Advisory Board Meeting - There will be a Commuter Bus
    Advisory Board (CBAB) meeting on Monday, October 2, 2006 at 7:30pm in
    the Planning Conference Room of the Loudoun County Government Building,
    1 Harrison St, SE, 3rd Floor, Leesburg VA.

    The public is invited to attend.

    The agenda is as follows:

    1. Public Comment
    2. Park and Ride Lot Update
    3. Electronic Farebox Update
    4. Service / Schedule discussion
    * Schedule adherence
    * Airport Routing
    * Dulles South service
    5. Handicap parking - Purcellville
    6. Report on DNTC parking issues
    7. Bus protocol signs at Park & Ride lots
    8. Dulles Toll Road slip ramps
    9. Report from Veolia on seatback and microphone options
    10. Update on Countywide Transportation Plan rewrite as relates to
    transit planning

    Loudoun County RideShare
    Office of Transportation Services

    Please attend to get commuter buses to Herndon-Monroe park and ride or WFC metro
  2. merky1

    merky1 Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Is there any place to read up on the results of this meeting? I have wondered why it so difficult to A - find the Loudoun county bus schedule, and B - Interpret it.
  3. naveenka

    naveenka New Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    I am not sure where they would post the minutes of the meeting. May be you should send an email to DEPT-TRANS-RIDESHARE@loudoun.gov, may be someone will respond. I attended the meeting and found it to be quite informative.

    Here is the link to the schedule :

    The schedule is kind of clear, it states approxmately what times the bus leave Dulles North Transit Center and what times the bus leave Washington D.C / Rosslyn in the evening. If you have better ideas you can email it to the above address.

    Here is the link to the website:

    If you sign up to their free notification service, they'll email you if there is a change in service or if there is change in the schedule.

    What they mentioned that they are very close to opening the park and ride lots close to Harris-Teeter @ Broadlands.

    They mentioned that they are planning to open couple of more park and ride lots shortly, one off of Ryan Road and the other in Brambleton.

    Also they may add few more buses from Dulles North Transit center to West Falls Church Metro station in the near term.

  4. naveenka

    naveenka New Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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