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High-Quality, Safe and Effective Healthy Products for your Home

Discussion in 'Broadlands Advertisers Forum' started by Chance3, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. Chance3

    Chance3 New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Environmentally Safe and Effective, High-Quality, Healthy Products for your Home

    I have recently started a home based business selling high-quality, safe and effective nutritional, personal care, cosmetic and household cleaning products from a catalog/online store. They also carry gluten-free, diabetic, kosher and childrens products. Also have some great soy candles!

    I do not personally stock, sell or solicit you purchasing any specific products. All I can do is tell you what I have tried and really like. This company is about changing the way you think when you buy products for your home and family. They do not advertise their products other than thru referrals, so there are no marketing dollars wasted or commercials on TV trying to get you to buy something you don't really need or want.

    As I have said, I have only recently started, but I figured why not? Why do I have no objection to paying for my yearly Costco membership (which I love and will keep,by the way)? I recycle and believe in saving the environment, but why do I not have issues with bringing envirnonmentally 'unfriendly' products into my house to use around my children and pets? Why not do something good for my family and the environment and have it be a home based business at the same time?

    Yes, there is a very small membership fee (current enrollment special thru Dec 15 is $14.95) and a small monthly commitment, but that commitment is met thru buying what you normally would at your local store - laundry detergent, toothpaste, lotion, cleaning products, shampoo, crackers, cookies, vitamins, etc. - so I am not spending absolutely any more than I usually do - I'm just buying it from a different store. This is not Amway, but you do have the opportunity to earn referal bonuses.

    If you are interested, please send me a PM - I would love to tell you about my new company!

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