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How to Enroll to Mill Run School?

Discussion in 'Mill Run Elementary School News and Events' started by sbbird99, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. sbbird99

    sbbird99 New Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    my daughter is in a private Kindergarten school this year and I would like her to enroll to Mill Run school next year. How can I contact or apply to the Mill Run school? when should I start doing that? Please give me some advice. my home in on the Ridgeway Drive.
  2. JLC

    JLC Member

    Apr 18, 2003
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    You can call the office at Mill Run (571-252-2160) and they'll tell you what you need to do.
  3. twohokies

    twohokies New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    I would call the school and talk with Susan Pannetti about the plans for next year's registration. We didn't have any problems with our 1st grader coming out of private K but have seen a notice on Mill Run's website that K & 3rd are reaching capacity. And from what friends went through with their kids at other Ashburn schools & wait lists, my recommendation is to stay on top of it. Hope this helps!
  4. sbbird99

    sbbird99 New Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    I just called to the school today and the person on the phone told me that if I apply for 1st grade, I have to wait until early spring to send the apply and she cannot guarantee that I will get my daughter on the list. Isn't that too long to wait? .. I thought I can send the document to apply now since I live closer to the school. ..
  5. pamD

    pamD New Member

    May 15, 2004
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    They don't start registration until Mar/Apr for kindergarteners, and I guess it's the same for "transfer" students. The KG class this year is completely full (2005 was a good year for making babies?), so they might end up sending first graders to Hillside (or somewhere else) next year like they did for the KG class this year.
  6. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    So does that mean the school will be bussing them to a different school if the child is not accepted at Mill Run school? This is for First graders and if they are sent to Hillside (or somewhere else), will they have to return to the same school for 2nd grade and so on? Or will they be going to Mill Run the following year? Not sure how this works....

  7. twohokies

    twohokies New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    If they can not accommodate your child at your home school, the county is required to provide transportation to the alternate school. I would guess......only a guess........that as students move away from Mill Run and class sizes are increased, that the children can come back to Mill Run who were sent to another school.

    I can tell you from experience and discussions with the Mill Run administration that they have historically "added" another 1st grade class to accommodate the private K children coming in for 1st grade.

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