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Improving Community Security

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by hornerjo, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. joy

    joy New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    At the annual meeting, I asked about the Neighborhood Watch. Wes said it turned out they didn't need 1000 signatures, and that he had organized a meeting but noone showed up. So maybe it's time to bring this up again with the HOA.

  2. sunnydog

    sunnydog New Member

    Dec 16, 2002
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    i always wondered how sugarland ended up on money magazines top places to live...

  3. sds

    sds New Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    sunnydog, that's too funny! i feel bad for the ignorant people who read that and moved to sugarland from out of town thinking it's nice digs!

    yeah, it was a lot like ashburn back in the day. a bunch of redskins bought homes there in the 80s. i don't know how it got so bad, so fast, but it's a scary place!
  4. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Cameras in 'public' places without specific reason.. especially by the government get shot down all the time. Honestly getting something like that up in a community would never fly I think.

    The community has too much through traffic like people said for gated community.

    I think one thing the community does well, at least in the townhome areas is keeping it well lit. That goes along ways.

    I think the best way is to be visable. The police that live in the community, I bet there is little or low crime on the streets they park their cruisers on :)

    I think a novel idea for cameras would be to simply have them on the road.. with a huge sign right next to it saying 'Smile, you're on camera!' or something like stores do to promote the fact you've been recorded :)

    Wireless webcams are dirt cheap. You could use 802.11b technology even. Axis and other companies make suitable little cameras for this stuff.

    In reality tho, cameras would just be a focus for vandals, and doing it properly isn't too cheap.

    Visability, police presense, and lack of opportunity is probably best way to keep crime down.

    Once criminals find out an area is easy pickings.. of course they'll be back.

  5. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    The most significant problem Ashburn Farm has had is vandalism. Three years ago we had over $30,000 worth of damage. Mainly, swimming pools, tunnels, pond areas, and some in isolated bike path areas.

    The following year we hired a security guard that patrols the property at night, 9PM to 5AM. This has been an extremely cost effective investment for the Association. We have seen a dramatic reduction in vandalism. Much more practical and cost effective than cameras.

    We investigated cameras extensively for our pools. We found them to be cost prohibitive. (that's not to say we don't put fake ones up, shhhh, don't tell anyone)

    We also use the guard service to enforce our parking policies, and street sign (road spam) rules. They do this as part of their patrols. We also get nightly "patrol reports" for the file.

    It seems crazy that we have to pay for something good "community policing" could do for the community, but for us we have come to consider it a necessity.
  6. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    It seems that there are more things occuring in our neighborhoods and as I stated earlier we do have a police liaison who will be attending our HOA meetings to fill us in on what they are hearing. My suggestion is that when/if you hear anything that has occured if you could contact someone on the HOA board to let them know so that we can present the facts(date, event, etc) to the sheriffs office.
  7. hberg

    hberg give me some of your tots

    Jan 23, 2003
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    I am all for adding a security person or two - even if it increases the HOA fee a small amt.

  8. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    vandalism and other 'teen' crimes are my biggest concern. More then likely most of its coming from 'inside' as well. I think patroling security would be great. Its only time before Ashburn picks up more of the traits of Sterling.

  9. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Gated streets cannot happen, so forget it.
    Cameras in public areas at major road entrances would be expensive and useless. Yes, a camera may be cheap, but to monitor it, record every plate that comes in and out of Broadlands......sorry, but not possible.
    Cameras within the community in areas where we are likely to have vandalism....tunnels, pools, community centers....is possible.

    Regarding Donna's point......."My suggestion is that when/if you hear anything that has occured if you could contact someone on the HOA board to let them know so that we can present the facts(date, event, etc) to the sheriffs office."
    I would suggest calling ALL issues in to the sheriff's department. Please don't call me about it. If they get enough calls about problems, it will translate into more patrols in the area. If problems continue to occur, it is my hope that we can get a community policing program here. Sugarland Run has made a dramatic turnaround since the sheriff's dept. office opened there.
    I hope we don't get to that point here. Another point to realize is that it is almost a certainty that the vandalism within the community is coming from within the community (this fact comes from the sheriff's office). If we can't take responsibility for our own, we are truly doomed.
  10. Donna

    Donna New Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    Cliff youre right the police should be contacted first and I guess I just assumed that would be the first call residents would make. As the sheriffs rep said not everything that occurs here passes over his desk so I still think someone from the HOA (Wes) should be contacted to keep a log so it can be handed to the sheriff for his own FYI and discussion.
  11. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I mention it because you would be amazed how many acts of vandalism and possible theft occur and are not reported. One night several cars with unlocked doors were ransacked. A number of people, since nothing was broken and nothing appeared to be missing, didn't bother to report it.

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