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Loudoun losing It's Brain Power

Discussion in 'General Chat Forum' started by Lee, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Silence why not be part of the solution like Gryphon and me and not part of the problem without an solution. ;) So there!!!!!
  2. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    And that solution would be? Oil and vinegar?
  3. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    No, Lee, I simply respond to negative, insinuating, incorrect statements you
    make about me.You say these, sometimes nasty, things without a second thought and seemingly forget that you say them. Even when I bring it up to you, you profess ignorance to what you had posted.
    Please review what you insinuated about me in your last post.

    And in our many discussions about building, planning, road developments, traffic flows, etc. you clearly demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge about how the process works.
    Just because you can draw pretty pictures doesn't mean you know a lick about the actual building, development, zoning process.

    For years now, you have professed your vast knowledge, how you and your secret band of crack designer/developers are secretly meeting to foist upon Loudoun County how you will swoop in and save it.
    Well, I'm at the point of it's put up or shut up time.
  4. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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  5. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Maybe you are an tad too sensitive Cliff. My accomplishments in the building business speak for themselves. Hopefully you have some vision for this county that can be accomplished in an reasonable amount of time and will actually improve the county and not make it uglier and more traffic congestion. So far you mostly take the attitude that is the way it is so that is the way it will be. Most of the time good change comes from outside the box not in it. Just because there are these rules today does not mean if there is an good idea they cannot be changed. Lot of people are all talk in committees but to move that idea to reality is the real accomplishment. I have an track record in the building business where is yours. Cliff you are like this little kid always throwing some snide remark when you don't like what you hear.
  6. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Lee, we only know about your "accomplishments" because YOU tell us. Yet, other than the castle houses, you have never mentioned (not that I have seen) what your other accomplishemnts are.

    You also mention design, vision, beauty, and other buzz words quite often. So what are you SPECIFICALLY working on that will make our County better?
  7. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    and what does any of this have to do with the original article posted?

    Maybe I should just merge all of Lee's architecture threads into one ?
  8. redon1

    redon1 aka Aphioni

    Oct 19, 2005
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    biy happy hour will be a blast thursday- i say we make the boys arm wrestle instead of mud sling!!! (less mess to clean up... lol)
  9. gryphon

    gryphon Banned User

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I read all of Lee's posts. I've never seen him say a nasty word to anyone, but I've seen a lot of bile thrown at him. You may not like his point of view (and it is oh so very obvious that you don't!), but I don't think it is fair at all to continuously berate him just because you think he is too negative (or too positive) for your particular tastes.

    It's like when you go to a restaurant, and someone at your table says a dish is too salty. There's normally someone at the same table who thinks the meal is perfectly seasoned.

    Lee, anyone should be able to see that you care deeply about this county, and I think you should be admired for your thoughtful posts about matters of concern to the community.
    So, my advice to you is to :signsrockon:!!!
  10. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Thanks Gryphon I really do appreciate that and I do admire your fortitude to keep on posting some very thought provoking thoughts.

    I still am amazed on how posts about how to keep this county beautiful and ways to solve traffic and why many came to live here can turn so ugly.

    Just because I feel the county has long outgrown it's citizen planners and the county needs to bring in innovative planners to master plan the entire county so we do not have as many conflicts in land use and in the visuals of our county or the personal agendas they sometimes bring with them. Because I say things like that it now becomes an personal attack. Sorry but this county really needs to bring in professional innovative planners so we can eliminate or at least bring this county back to some sense of idenity and rationalization of why and how you place developments to work in the larger frame work of the county. Right now we are ending up with an hodgepodge and our civilian resident planners are having many a time an hard time with it because one they are not professionals that do this everyday and see use and adapt what works real well that has been already done in other parts of the country. Eastern Loudoun is not that big of an area to have the mess in traffic and and zoning conflicts that continually arise. It is nothing more then pulling out an map and connecting the dots correctly and each development being an good neighbor to the next one. That is why we need innovative professionals that have no personal agendas to do the job once and for all.

    This is really crazy we have housewives and people with no professional training making billion dollar decisions. No wonder we are getting such poorly made decisions. Absolute insanity!!! and it shows lately in the way things have grown.
  11. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    T8 anytime you want to come into my home I can show you in powerful living color or we can take an driving tour. :) I gave Cliff an extremely small tour that did not even begin to scratch the surface.:) Then we can fly to Texas where I can show you entire developments that I designed and built and won many many awards. Then we can travel to different parts of the world where I can show you projects from Peru to Cyprus in the Mediterranean. T8 you been as far as my front door but you never want to come in, maybe you are afraid I can walk my talk. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Cliff and T8 you guys really crack me up. Can't we all just get along????? ha ha ha ha ha ha :happygrin: jeez this is going to be an interesting happy hour and Redon1 looks to be the referee ha ha ha ha
  12. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Lee, for me, I do not being ugly to you (even tho it may come across that way). It is more about the constant "I", "me", "my" ideas/vision/solutions for what will make the county better. And honestly, many of your posts make it sound like you are the only one who can fix things.

    This last post actually has merit, bringing in subject matter experts. I agree with this. But the problem is that these "experts" cost ALOT of money. Money that Loudoun does not have.
  13. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    That might be a fun day Lee.

    But "built"? I thought you were a designer and idea man only?
  14. wahoogeek

    wahoogeek New Member

    Aug 10, 2004
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    This thread veered off topic right away but I gotta say that I agree with this snippet of Lee's post.

  15. mwb2218

    mwb2218 New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Here you go Lee. http://www.loudoun.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=815

    Tell the Loudon County dept. of planning how inept they are. By the way, they are paid professionals!
  16. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Yes T8 I have been a builder, but have not done that for many many years. Planned and designed and BUILT as in (developer builder) mostly in Texas.

    So when Cliff goes off that I don't have a clue he has no clue what he is talking about. I love Cliff and he means well and he has done al lot for the broadlands, but in the development world and the planning world it is a different world from being president of an HOA. As far as zoning that changes all the time. Everytime you get a new BOS these things can change. Everytime you get new state legislatures this can change. Cliff non of this is ever written in stone forever. When Builders and developers don't like or agree with the current politicians they will just sit back and wait for the next group or the next group. If this current crop of BOS don't get traffic solved and just stoppinp growth certainly will not fix that. Then the public votes them out just like the last group. You may not like hearing this but the nicest developments in Loudoun were planned and built by professional developers and planners not the BOS not the armchair civilian planners. It was designed and built and planned by professionals. And when you drive outside these puds you see the mess the road system is in the junk and badly placed buildings. Who approved and planned those it is the armchair civilian planners and their poor judgment, not the real professionals. The dots are being connected and influenced in the county by the amateurs or local government career people, not innovative professional planners. Look at the mess the waxpool and 28 interchange is especially the flyover and the short time you have to move to the far left lane. I dare say that interchange was originally planned by career vdot engineers down in Richmond or they had tremendous influence on it. That interchange was not completely thought through or it would not be in that mess during rush hour. That is not a put down it is an observation that it was designed by someone way beyond their ability to do it correctly. No more no less.

    doctors bury their mistakes, traffic engineers mistakes you get to sit in massive traffic jams and you get to look at Architects mistakes for the rest of your life:)
  17. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I already had this discussion many times with some of the professionals in the planning dept. and in an pleasant conversation unlike here sometimes ha ha ha :happygrin: And some are in agreement that an outside planners would be nice, but then it deteriorates to where is the money going to come from to plan or build anything.
  18. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Lee, Where in Texas, as I remember, Back in the 80's and Early 90's Texas had several ( more than 20 ) developers go toes up do to over speculation. Were you part of that? Growning up in the central Texas area, I remember all the builders at one point, couldn't give a house away. Tell me your not part of that mess.

  19. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Lee, where in Texas, as I remember, Back in the 80's and Early 90's Texas had several ( more than 20 ) developers go toes up due to over speculation. Were you part of that? Growing up in the central Texas area, I remember all the builders at one point, couldn't give a house away. Tell me your not part of that mess.

  20. Silence Dogood99

    Silence Dogood99 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Gryphon having your back is like President Bush telling you that you are really smart-like. I'd be worried, Lee!

    One point I will agree with you on, Lee, and back you up on. I know it costs money to bring in outside experts, but some sound planning upfront could certainly save many, many millions in the long run, correct?!

    Lee, why aren't you on these planning commissions so you can actually implement some of these ideas?!!

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