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NEEDED: recommend seamstress to hem up bridesmaid dress

Discussion in 'Jobs and Help Wanted' started by christina_wm07, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. christina_wm07

    christina_wm07 New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone is -- or knows of -- a good seamstress that could hem up a chiffon bridesmaid dress for me. The wedding is December 27 but I'd like to have it done soon so there's no rush with the holidays, etc.

    This is the dress: [ link ]

    It only needs to be shortened a few inches, (doesn't need to be taken in or anything else...) but the fabric has a sheer top layer so it's not easy to do neatly if you're not comfortable with it. (Which is why I wouldn't just go and try it myself!)

    If anyone could let me know of an experienced seamstress in the area that could make this simple alteration for me, I would really appreciate it!! I would think it might be cheaper to get an independent seamstress to do it over some store, but if you know otherwise, let me know as well since I'm a poor recent grad so cost is also an issue.


    Christina :)

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