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No power lines on the W&OD trail

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by section84, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. section84

    section84 New Member

    Jun 20, 2002
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  2. boomertsfx

    boomertsfx Booyakasha!

    Feb 14, 2002
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  3. FL Native

    FL Native New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
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    Good news, indeed. No thanks to Supervisor Snow, who abstained when an opinion on the issue was put to a vote in Loudoun....
  4. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    Not to defend him, but he may have had to abstain if he had any sort of interest in Dominion Power. If I was on the BoS, I would abstain as I have stock in their parent company, Dominion Resources.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  5. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    Neil Z and FL native: one point raised at the time, before they abandoned the use of that easement (only through the Leesburg historic district and points west), was the cost differential between aboveground and buried lines, and what that would do to the cost of power delivery (and how that cost would be passed on to us, the consumers). I don't know if the abstention can be clearly interpreted as disaffection for the trail, or as a request for more information.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  6. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    If he was abstaining for this reason he should of mentioned it during our Town Hall Meeting. At the meeting he said he abstained because of "lack of information".

    Why would he be interested in the W&OD? South Riding doesn't even know that it exists.

  7. FL Native

    FL Native New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
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    That's right -- he specifically stated at the meeting that he didn't have enough information, and added some remark about how he thought that burying lines might do more damage to trees, citing Arlington as an example. IMHO, not a great defense of his vote. This was a big issue with a lot of press coverage. For him not to be prepared with a position on it doesn't look good. He also seemed to show no interest in the issue during the meeting. To me, it's a red flag to keep an eye out on his commitment to keeping the trail as is, and also to how responsive he is to issues that aren't on his public agenda.
  8. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    AFGM: I'm a bit confused: If he said he abstained because of "a lack of information", and I postulated that his vote might be interpreted as a "request for more information", aren't we on part of the same page? If he feels he has insufficient info on what the cost differential will do to power bills, and has maybe requested it, maybe it does make a bit of sense to hold your vote? Your complaint appears somewhat circular in this light.

    "Why would he be interested in the W&OD? South Riding doesn't even know it exists."

    Maybe he's interested because lots of his constituents use it? Do you personally know for a fact that every inhabitant of SR's over 4100 occupied units are in fact totally unaware that the trail exists? That would be news to the Boy Scout troops based here who have done projects for years relating to the trail. Are you postulating that Steve would only have an interest if it went through South Riding? I'm unclear on your point.

    FL native: Maybe we're on part of the same page too--he didn't have enough info/maybe wanted more. I've followed the issue, and one of the technical points made was that burying the lines on the trail easement would have in fact killed many (most) of the trees, because if you dig out their root structure to lay the lines, there is nothing to sustain the living canopy we look at. Yes this was a big issue with lots of coverage, and I think if you read the Leesburg Today coverage and some of the response to it, it gets at my original point: "abandoning" the route is great for the portion they abandoned--through the Leesburg historic district and the western trail. It doesn't do squat for the eastern Leesburg suburban neighborhoods who still face the issue, and some of them are piping up that the issue isn't over and why is the press calling a victory when their neighborhoods are still impacted? While those eastern constituencies who ride the trail to its western terminus will certainly benefit from the more rural portion of the trail remaining intact, it does not necessarily benefit some of them where they live. For some it may not be a trail issue, other than that the trail happens to be the location where power towers may be added to their communities. None of which answers any of the questions on cost differential, and how it may play in court if it goes there.

    I don't know if it benefits anyone to simplify the issue into Snow-bashing or SR-bashing. And that is NOT what I'm accusing either of you of doing. (Before this goes further, is anyone offended that I commented here? I feel the trail is a county/regional issue, and I swear I knew it was there a long time ago. Even before I moved to Loudoun, because I was a bike commuter within Arlington for a while, and also used the trail for rec purposes when I lived there. Fun trivia: does anyone here know which road through Arl/Fairfax follows part of the old spur line which provided access to the summer "cottage" communities of the DC elite, in the era running pre-WW1 to the Depression? It is a paved rail bed, much like the trail. And which building in old McLean was the rail station?) ;)

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  9. FL Native

    FL Native New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
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    You seem to imply that you're up on the topic and that others aren't. That's not the case -- I've followed the issue very closely also. I referred to his comment about burying lines as an example of HIS defense of the issue, not my defense of the issue. I was in favor of abandoning the location altogether. My comment stands -- I get the impression that Steve wasn't too interested in the issue, and that he didn't do very much to help save the trail. It's not Steve Snow bashing, but a take on this particular issue. As with most politicians, there are issues where I agree with him, and issues where I disagree with him. I won't blindly bash him or blindly support him; I'll call 'em as I see 'em.
  10. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    The point is...the W&OD, is of great interest in this part of the Dulles District. I am sure there a some in South Riding that share that interest.

    If there was sincere interest in representing this part of the District an effort would have been made to get the "facts" claimed lacking. The "lack of facts" defense ignored the interests of this part of the Dulles district. Heck some of the "facts" could have been gotten by asking people that live out this way.

    This lack of support is most illuminating, when compared to a similar insouciance to discuss another topic of great interest, the hospital.

    I just wonder if the W&OD and power line locations, would have been more of a priority if the W&OD DID traverse through South Riding? Not an acquisation, just wonderment.
  11. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    I walked in late and missed that remark ... I stand corrected, thanks !!

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  12. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    FL native: I had no intention of implying that others weren't aware of the topic, and if my post made you feel that way, I apologize. I was replying to very brief posts of yours that added what I perceived as a swipe at Steve Snow to a brief discussion of a news item. My main point is that the trail is not yet saved, at least in toto. The trees on the portion from Leesburg west are, but two major issues remain: there will be lines that will go SOMEwhere, and whether they are buried or not makes a difference to our power bills (and a BIG difference to those whose backyards may now--or still--be in the crosshairs).

    AFGM: You're talking in a circle, at least in my opinion.
    *It is of "great interest" in your neighborhood, and thanks for generously conceding that "some" in SR may share it.
    *"If there was sincere interest in representing" Dulles North, he'd get ""facts"", just by asking residents there?--on the cost differential between buried lines and above ground lines? On the location of sufficient easements and how their use (and in what manner) could or could not supply a viable alternative?
    *This makes it just like the hospital???
    *if the power lines went through SR, then maybe he'd care?

    All of this taken together reads like a Snow/SR-bash for the purpose of raising a district divide, and turning a trail issue into a hospital issue. Forgive me for being blunt, but I believe you have the ability to debate on a higher level than this. Maybe I'm just suffering from the handicap of reading your bare printed words as opposed to hearing you speak this opinion, but to me it reads as peevish, and I don't like to think of you that way.

    Fun fact (at the risk of sounding offensive): Every year VA gives a grant ($70K+ in recent years) for the equine industry to write a report about itself. This is the source for the economic data quoted in the rural economy discussions. About 2 years ago there was a very interesting business article in the Post extra (I think by Amy Joyce?) when that year's report came out, which interviewed a woman from the Fauquier entity that comprises the bulk of the report's generation. A hot issue at the time was the Potomac Heritage Trail, which Fairfax for Horses and other equine trail groups were deeply involved in promoting, including an easement for horses through the Lowe's Island golf course (Cascades weighed in HEAVILY on that). The woman interviewed in the business/equine article talked about regional trails, including the W&OD, and discussed how growth was changing the user base of the trails. She went on to allow herself to be quoted that she'd like to see all trails reserved for equine use. Now, I can certainly see her opinion, given the business she's in, and she certainly has a right to her opinion, but boy did that ring my bell. I thought of that article when I read that (only) the rural portion of the W&OD was "saved".

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  13. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    If it is considered that the "trail issue" is being turned into the "hospital issue" (which I respectfully observe as an opinion, but not mine)... then I find it a unique debating skill to turn this discussion into one of a bunch of horse ****:) What the heck does a 70K equine grant, economic data for rural areas, and a horse loving Fauquier women's efforts, from two years ago, have to do with this topic?

    (The words sound harsher than they are, I am actual laughing)

  14. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    AFGM: I totally agree it is a lot of horse****, and I'm laughing too. My point is (get ready for a Barbara-barb), since you are so much more tuned in that any other area of the region to the sanctity of the trail (the few, the proud...I'm joking!), there's a whole lot more going on affecting it than whether or not you'll be able to see all your friends the trees, now that they've been saved from evil electricity. There are those who would have trails be for the right kind of use, instead of just for people to use in a variety of ways. In the process of saving all of it, let's make sure it doesn't get "saved" from all of us.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  15. FL Native

    FL Native New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
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    You're correct that I took a "swipe" at Steve Snow for this particular issue, as I beleive he deserves it. The criticism is for the lack of concern and lack of homework/position on an important local issue, as demonstrated at our Broadlands meeting with him. I've made no "brief discussion to a news item" (and don't understand what that remark means, either). Nor have I engaged in any discussion regarding the remaining portion of the trail at risk -- you can address your comments in that matter to those who wish to debate you.
  16. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    FL native: sorry to have confused you again; the brief discussion of a news item is the thread itself, as opposed to exclusively your participation in it: two posts, that of the news, and an acknowledgement of it, which sat for a week before your first entry. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and whether or not you wish to speak with me.

    AFGM and anyone else: as far as the trail, check out http://www.leesburg2day.com/current.cfm?catid=17&newsid=9517 for an account of how the trail issue continues. Interestingly enough, it includes a quote from a western resident who supports saving all of the trail, because she uses it with her horse. How about that?

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  17. exrook

    exrook New Member

    Feb 11, 2002
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    Even this article only talks about the portion of the trail from the eastern boundary of Leesburg to the western end. I guess that they have written off the 10 miles of trail in the eastern portion of the county.

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