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slow internet

Discussion in 'Community Broadband & Computers' started by backtothewoooo, May 22, 2012.

  1. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    We are in the Southern Walk townhouses. We had very, very slow internet connection last Sunday night. Today, my son called that it is slow again. We are connected via ethernet cable, so it is not a wireless issue.

    What could the problem be? What/ how do I check?
    I'm not really a tech-savy person, so simple instructions/ suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. beahmer

    beahmer Member

    Jul 3, 2004
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    One word - OpenBand

    Run the speed test on Openband's website:

    You will have to log into OB and then look under Internet I believe for the Speed test.

    Or you could call OB and put in a ticket
  3. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    Call Openband for sure. When I talked to them Saturday night, they indicated that there was a Network hardware failure and that it affected internet speeds for part of the neighborhood. My speeds have been good since Sunday afternoon.

    But for sure call them so they can monitor your connection and test it.

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