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Southern Walk Board of Directors Meeting - August 2023

Discussion in 'Southern Walk Announcements' started by Laura Marshall, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Laura Marshall

    Laura Marshall New Member

    Dec 9, 2021
    Likes Received:
    August 28, 2023 @ 7:00pm

    The Southern Walk Board will virtually by Google Meets, owners that have signed up for email communications will receive the meeting link via email. Owners may also obtain the meeting information from the community calendar available on the Connect Resident Portal https://southernwalk.connectresident.com/.

    Any Southern Walk member who wishes to address the board with a question or listen to the public portion of the meeting is encouraged to provide their name, address, and question to info@swhoab.com to ensure the board or the management company is adequately prepared to provide a response at the meeting.

    Owners may also subscribed to the Connect Resident portal to sign up for email updates regarding Southern Walk HOA: https://southernwalk.connectresident.com/.


    1. Call to Order / Verification of Quorum − (7:00PM)

    2. Review and Approval of Minutes − (7:00PM)

    · July 24, 2023

    3. Open Forum − (7:05PM)

    · Owner Questions / Comments

    4. Officer AND Committee Reports − (7:15PM)

    5. OLD / Unfinished Business – (7:20PM)

    · Future of Southern Walk Survey Review and finalize

    · Review of OpenBand equipment issue

    6. NEW BUSINESS − (7:25PM)

    · Update SWHOA Website

    · SWHOA owned email accounts

    · FY 22 Draft Audit

    · FY23 Audit/Tax Engagement

    7. Management Report − (7:45PM)

    · Financial Report (7:45PM)

    · Action Items (7:55PM)

    o Monitoring Delinquencies

    o Newsletter Submissions

    o Posting on Southern Walk Forum

    o Escheatment


    · Delinquency Report

    · Collections Status Report

    · Verizon Accounts

    · Legal Matters

    9. Adjournment − (9:00PM)

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