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Special Election Tues Jan 31

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by joy, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Nope, I got the pro-Staton, which was almost the same. Who would you vote for blah blah blah and then a recording of Staton saying he was going to win. I hope they were recording b/c I told the Staton-bot that "You are going down, sucka. Not gonna have a Dick Black clone!"
  2. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Believe it or not I got one from Dick Black. Man, you'd think that guy would be running this thing from his bunker, and not being so out in front. What an arrogant dude.
  3. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    I love the flyers I've been getting from Staton about how Herring "signed bills allowing 27,000 new houses", "packed the 33rd district with houses", etc, etc, etc.

    Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black ... no pun intended.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  4. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    Actually, it is true that the 99 BoS approved more housing in one vote than any board to date--Moorefield Station. The triggers on that are abysmal.

    Got the PEC Dulles South update last night--and it actually stated "Vote for Mark Herring". Not supposed to do that if you're filing with the IRS as a 501c3.

    Also found the Democratic candidate selection announcement when I was going through the recycling to put it out, and it is pretty amazing. It ran in special announcements in the Post on Friday Jan 13, stating a mandatory filing fee (should be voluntary if outside that seven day window) and said that anyone wishing to file for candidacy should present their papaerwork and their money at LCDC HQ by 9 a.m. Sunday the 15th. Gee, that's some notice!

    The kicker was the part about if nobody filed they would not have a selection process.

    This election will provide legal (and conversation) fodder for years.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  5. dcdavis

    dcdavis Ooops!!

    Dec 16, 2004
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    Staton's beef is that in order to preserve Western Loudoun, the previous Board designated many parts of Eastern Loudoun for redevelopment. I.e., Sugarland Run would have established neighborhoods torn down and more dense housing put on its land before the West is developed- and Staton doesn't like that (do you blame him?)
  6. pamD

    pamD New Member

    May 15, 2004
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    I got that one. I was going to answer, but I hung up when I realized it was not even resembling a scientific poll. Ridiculous! I did feel pretty good saying "no" to all the stupid questions on one of the candidate's (Staton's maybe) recorded "polls" a few weeks ago.

    Pam D.
  7. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    Depends on what you call 'more dense', if it was more dense than was built in Cascades, sure, that's a problem, but I don't believe that was going to be the case.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  8. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    DC with all due respect, this is really reaching for a justification. Two weeks isn't enough time for Staton to repaint his record on this.

  9. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    Go look at the plans for the area of Sterling near Countryside that were up for brief preplanned discussion by the paid activists when the sacred Comp Plan was being implemented.

    That area was to be redeveloped as a transit node. Eastern Loudoun is supposed to be the park and ride for the "rural" residents who pay for their lifestyle with a long commute that we clutter up.

    Route 50 traffic "calming" is the other side of the coin--the roads will be so awful that only the folks who want to (deserve to?) live out there while preaching that everyone else should walk to work (gee--could that define sprawl?) will have a less painful commute from fantasyland.

    And the limiting of the supply of buildable land while shedding crocodile tears over affordable housing? Please.

    Wait till TDRs get rolling: Montgomery County (MoGo to our LoCo) had actual farms producing agricultural products and commodities, and a viable stock auction, when Parris Glendenning instituted their "agricultural reserve". Density was transferred to Rockville Pike.

    The stock auction closed several years ago, and the majority of the "farms" in the ag reserve there are now "recreational equine" (which the 99 BoS here wanted to give a tax break to, as being an agricultural exemption. The USDA said no, owning horses is not farming.)

    You want to see TDRs in Loudoun? Think an entire county of estates, with Rockville Pike overlaid on the Greenway.

    And Loudoun can be a little policy testtube while the pendulum swings, and Warner dukes it out with the Clinton machine. Yay.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  10. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    The answer is simple once the roads in eastern Loudoun are finished with the dots connected then build all you want to in western Loudoun.

    So far the proposals from developers who want to build in western Loudoun are only band-aids to our traffic problems. Again the more dense proposals for eastern loudoun are ofices homes and shopping and self contained and their roads will connect the dots in eastern loudoun or at least start. NO western proposal addresses the eastern road problems just an interchange or two by their developments. The work centers are far far away if ever built the shopping is the same old crap. That means much added congestion to the eastern roads.
    Fix eastern loudoun first before you junk up western loudoun the canidates that address that are the ones that I will vote for!!
    Lee J Buividas

    BTW Barbara I personally don't mind looking at land that is left in it's natural state, and nothing wrong with country estates are you jealous of those peoples lifestyle or must we all live in a PUD?????
  11. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    No, Lee. Choice is legal in homeownership. That's what the new economic system proposed by smart growth seeks to change.

    I most often think of covetousness (and hear Hannibal Lecter, that charming and cultured psychopath) when I view the folks who bought seven acres 5 years ago demanding that any new neighbors be restricted to 20 and 40 acre lots.

    I don't really care what gets built in western Loudoun, and we should connect the dots. The same people who have succeeded in making all policy discussion be about lot size in the west are the same ones proposing that the dots should not be connected at all. They conveniently leave out that they oppose roads (within 20-30 miles of them--95 and 66 are the bypasses, you know?), and claim to be "for" "reasonable" growth, which would fit existing infrastructure.

    When I then ask which of the currently occupied homes they suggest razing to accomodate that is when they usually start calling me names.

    Rock on, Lee.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  12. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    See Barbara I can agree with you and just like you I am for widening and fixing all our interstates and major roads especially that nightmare of 66 that is two lanes into dc and 95 south is another nightmare even on the weekends especially during the summer. If it takes tearing down a bunch of homes and businesses then DO IT and do it right for any expansion for our kids and their grand kids and do it beautifully not like that abortion looking thing they call the new springfield interchange. That interchange could of looked a whole lot better then what is being built. They (engineers)should let some world class designers and architects landscaspe designers to help with the aesthetics and yes it can be done ecomnonically if a little thought goes into it. I am not for solving the problems with a bunch of crap, either. A lot of europe which is older then here looks a hell of a lot better and certainly better to look at.

    Lee J Buividas
  13. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Lee - asthetics cost money and so do world class designer and architects.

    I may have agreed with you many years ago, but for now give me a functional road that can keep traffic flowing and to heck with how it looks!
  14. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    Wow, Lee! Don't ever run for office in northeast Loudoun, is all I can say.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  15. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    AFGM: comment?


    I'm not shocked at the tactics, this being Loudoun politics.

    I am dismayed that a generally classy guy like Mark Herring has a campaign that would take such an obvious page from the Blackout book.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  16. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Barb, I am not taking the bait. I am comfortable with the way the race is going, aren't you?
  17. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    It isn't bait, AFGM, but a legitimate question.

    The statement from the campaign officer is pretty amazing. They took out the father, who Staton was actually mentioning, because he isn't in the campaign and they didn't want to attack him? Right.

    Two things: 1. It takes the mention of Staton's dad (to whom he may have referred in the interview that produced the article as "the old man" or some other nickname, hence the replacement with the quoted [my father]) out of the quote. To remove the father and directly link father-in-law to the first idea is a basic change in meaning.

    2. It indicates that the purpose of the campaign's philosophy on this (like Blackout) is nothing more than attacking an individual. Okay--what are they FOR (besides platitudes)?

    Norm Styer may have done this (publish an article at the top of their webpage about it) because the fake hospital group (remember Loudoun HOPE--featuring some of the same individuals as Blackout and other groups with different names but the same members) composed one of their ads using a misquote from L2Day. L2Day refused to run the ad. I don't see them doing this to help Staton (who they frequently skewer in editorials) but to tell people the party's over on doing what you please with their copyrighted text.

    Maybe this was another loony idea that should have been 86ed. And it says worlds about the comfort zone.

    A well informed voter isn't just somebody who reads the flyers.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.
  18. Lee

    Lee Permanent Vacation

    Aug 6, 2005
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    None of this rhetoric is going to matter voting day. The few that will vote, most of them have made up their minds.

    Hopefully Loudoun is not in such bad shape from taxes roads etc. brfore it is too late and these large urban centers get stalled out for years and our tax problem road problems just get worse. When some say our taxes are getting as bad as NJ that scares the hell out of me.
    When the government cuts spending in a few years because of less taxes when the real estate fall really kicks in which will have a dramatic effect on the economy, then eventually we will see many jobs around here go bye bye. Another reason to get things under control around here. The real dramatic growth around here really came right after 911. Before that the tech fall was killing northern Virginia, many office complexes at that time were stopped dead some even stopped during construction.
    After awhile people are not going to buy into this 911 scare propaganda that the government feeds us all the time and the extra cost that go with it. If you look at the new wtc design the base looks like a tomb 200 feet high at a ridiculous cost. All eventually passed on to us. We need cheap solutions to security not all this bunker mentality and non working James bond stuff. We are over designing buildings now for security and there are better and cheaper solutions. Another problem with out of control costs. We will soon hear most likely the next administration the trillions of dollars wasted. Even your pension funds are not safe anymore. Throwing money at it is not a solution.

    Lee J Buividas
  19. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I have a more basic question, where do we go and vote Tuesday? At Eagle Ridge or Hilldside.
  20. Barbara

    Barbara New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    Chsalas, at your regular polling place--6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    Barbara Munsey, from South Riding.

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