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Strange Invoice from First Service

Discussion in 'Southern Walk Announcements' started by Niraj, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Niraj

    Niraj New Member

    May 5, 2015
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    I got an invoice from First Service for $2.17. My payment for Internet Services from Verizon Fios ($90) is automatically deducted from my checking account. There is a link to make online payment in the invoice (clickPay.com/FirstService). When I registered in that site and added the account number (in the invoice), I get a message saying the acount is already linked to another user ( with a different email address which is not mine). This is all very strange. And why can't Southern Walk deduct the whole amount and choose to send an invoice for a balance of $2.17 ?
  2. djv013

    djv013 New Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    We also received an invoice for $65. I thought I had read that only service prior to June would be invoiced separately, and June service on would be included in HOA fees. Our service didn't start until the end of the first week of June.

    Can anyone provide a definitive explanation on what should happen with billing?

    How I wish we would have pushed the County to put some heat on all of the providers to compete for our services/install infrastructure like they do for ANY other large development in Loudoun County.
  3. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    There was a Board Meeting last night. You should have gone and asked the questions. Did you send a note or call the Community Manager?
  4. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    The $65 was collected because the Bulk Services contract started on June 1st. What street do you live on? The Association needs to collect money to pay Verizon for the service now, so it needs to collect the money from the residents, with the exception of Phase 4, which will be handled separately.
  5. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    The Broadlands Community Manager has nothing to do with with this. SWHOA is COMPLETELY separate from the Broadlands HOA.
    PDILLM likes this.
  6. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Right, since this is the SW section, i thought that was obvious. And, you are technically, incorrect. The SW is a sub-association and not COMPLETELY separate.
  7. T8erman

    T8erman Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    No, I am right. The BHOA and SWHOA are 100% NOT affiliated in any way, shape or form.
    Call Sarah, the Community Manager, she will tell you the same.
  8. Chsalas

    Chsalas Active Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I am almost certain you are wrong. The Southern Walk HOA is a sub-HOA of the Master Association. While are activities and charter are separate and distinct, they are affiliated by the mear fact they both serve the same community.
  9. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    De facto: the two associations maintain separate financial interests and business operations.

    De jure: the Articles of Incorporation for the Southern Walk at Broadlands and the original easements granted to OpenBand have both Master and Sub Association as Grantors. In addition, the two associations worked closely together throughout 2018 to modify and extinguish OpenBand's blanket easement and grant easements to Verizon in the Southern Walk.

    Sarah and I wrote this together a few months back and the Broadlands HOA Communications Manager publishes announcements written by the Southern Walk in the Broadlands Newsletter, App, Blast, and helps enable access to the Community Center for Southern Walk Board Meetings.


    But back to the original questions from the two posters with questions about their statements from First Services: please call Katie Halfhill, the Southern Walk Community Manager.
  10. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    IF you were phase 3, getting your service some time in (early) June, you likely paid for June before your Fios was activated ($25). Now that you got service some time in June, there needs to be an invoice to reconcile the Fios charge for June. The invoice is how they are trying to catch Phase 3 in June. Starting July 1, the $90 should be the same for everyone. That's how I read the invoice.
  11. pvcv

    pvcv New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Our Verizon installation was May 28th Like others we too received a separate $65 invoice for June plus a few days in May. We were also charged $90 for June from SWHOA. Isn't the $90 payment for June include our Verizon service for June plus SWHOA admin fee for June? Has anyone else encountered this? I'd appreciate any advice from others. Thank you!
  12. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Do you live in the Phase One area?
  13. pvcv

    pvcv New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Phase 2
  14. djv013

    djv013 New Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    This is exactly our situation. For us, service began on June 6, so if I do the math even if it were meant to cover my June service the bill should have been in the 50s (or, if the HOA service fee were included, it would be a $75 prorated amount). Which leads me to believe this is some sort of “connection” charge. In either case, I’ll try to find the announcement again, but I thought I had read that prorated billing would only apply to service prior to June 1 and that HOA billing would cover service after that date.
  15. djv013

    djv013 New Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Or....answering my own question they are charging me for a full month of service when I only got three weeks and I am being punished for their techs not being available until June 6. Thank God I didn’t call later in the month and get installed June 20 only to be billed in full.
  16. pvcv

    pvcv New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Called First Service. Balance is zero until July 1st with the $93.00 June payment on June 6th. She apologized for the confusion but confirmed balance was zero. Give them a call. It might be the same situation. Good luck!
  17. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Only Phase One was charged $90 in June.

    Phases Two through Four are charged $90 for July and beyond.

    For Phases Two and Three, money is being collected retroactively, prior to June for those who had their services activated between February 27th and May 31st.

    Phases Two and Three were sent $65 statements for June to go back and collect that money because coupon books weren't ready- and Verizon made that service available later in May.

    Phase Four is a special case and still being worked out.

    Yes, some people have to double pay because their FiOS installation happened after June 1st in Phase 3 and the same will be true for Phase Four after July 1st.

    We made every attempt to publish availability of service within moments of Verizon telling us it was ready for ordering, placed signs in conspicuous places, used the Broadlands App, etc. Yes, it stinks if work or vacations preclude you from taking an earlier appointment.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019
  18. Capricorn1964

    Capricorn1964 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Why are we getting bills from Verizon for the gigabit internet? I thought they should be billing the HOA directly and the HOA sends us billing coupons instead. Not sure why Verizon is sending each of us the bills for the internet...what the heck is going on?
  19. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    you are 100% correct. The internet charges are billed to the HOA. What were you charged? You might see a reference to $129.99 service but that line should be zeroed out. If it is not, you need to call the billing number on your bill and get that corrected. If they can't help, then let Katie Halfhill know.
  20. djv013

    djv013 New Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    I have a serious question on this. Rather than an “oopsie, the announcement came out and people didn’t sign up right away, so shucks” why can’t the HOA work on prorating billing so people can pay for exactly what they have received?

    Again, being honest, this “deal” isn’t exactly a deal for $90 per month with HOA services included while still being hostage to a different warden, Verizon instead of Openband, for the next three years while we watch all around us, both in new and existing developments receive better deals because they are in competitive environments. The notion that anyone is either double paying or paying for service they didn’t actually receive is offensive.

    At this point my only hope is that the next cycle will offer the hope of 5G wireless and a board willing to end the cycle of provider abuse that has existed for years here. It would be nice to have one HOA fee and competitive ISP service, the same as virtually every other Loudoun County homeowner in a planned community.

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