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Traffic Lights?

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by tvl, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    Incorrect, these have been done in 2004 and 2005, on Claiborne and Waxpool. If I remember correctly .. that accident occurred on Wynridge before it was officially opened for traffic.

    Incorrect, see above.

    This is not Fairfax, and our Sheriff's Dept does not have the same resources that they do. If and when they do, that's a different story. We have a good relationship with Sheriff Simpson and will ask him about this for the future.

    We have suggested another feasible resolution, one that is well within our power. We will contact the Sheriff and ask for some additional enforcement. FWIW ... they have been very busy on Claiborne this week, as well as Waxpool road. They will continue to patrol those areas, as well as other areas in Broadlands.

    And if you look at many of my posts, they are on topic, and on point.

    Excuse me ... 1500 posts in 'ranting mode' and 'counterproductive' .. I beg to differ. I only go into rant mode when I keep hearing the same thing over and over again, and everyone expects the HOA to do something about it. And I"d like to see these 'counterproductive' posts.

    If its counterproductive to say that the idea of homeowners using Radar guns is not a good one right now .. get this,

    the HOA does not have a police force, and we're not going to sanction an unofficial one. Frankly, the resident Board members want nothing to do with it, for a number of reasons, the least of which is: we don't have enough liability insurance to cover any type of libel or defamation of character suit.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  2. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Pea sounds like you just came up with a great idea that provides you an opportunity to volunteer for. Why don't you seize the day and spear head this effort. It takes volunteers with enthusiasm, not necessary just good ideas to get stuff done. It certainly appears you have the enthusiasm.

    Oh by the way, I can guarantee you one thing. I'll double the amount of money Neilz and VACliff make working on the Board, and give it all to you if you volunteer to lead the effort. Deal?

  3. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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  4. hberg

    hberg give me some of your tots

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Couple of questions. Whatever became of adding the extra $200 to the signs? Are we able to do this? Who gets that extra income - the police? The HOA? If the HOA gets it - I consider that good business!

    Have any of the studies been done on Ridgeway? Ridgeway is a disaster waiting to happen.

  5. vacliff

    vacliff "You shouldn't say that."

    Nov 14, 2002
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    You have a lot of good ideas, most have been talked about and/or explored. The problem is resources.
    Although we may feel that there is a big problem in Broadlands, but based on the amount of activity county-wide, we are in very good shape. This is what we were, and are, being told by the sheriff's department. They simply do not have enough deputies and equipment to serve all communities in the county to the extent we'd like.

    The sheriff's department has set up a few community policing substations in areas of high criminal activity, and to great success.
    We simply don't have enough activity to warrant the same program here. Regarding equipment, Sugarland Run's HOA actually BOUGHT radar equipment to give to the deputies patrolling there! I doubt they now have any extra equipment to loan out.

    What can we do? For one, support our sheriff's department when the county budgets are reviewed. The Board of Supervisors love to cut the sheriff's funding requests because they are afraid to cut the school budget requests. Myself, Glenn Maravetz (Ashburn Farm HOA), and Rick Clements (Ashburn Village HOA) went before the Board of Supervisors last year with a resolution that the county fund the sheriff's office requests. We were later told that this had some influence with some of the members of the Board of Supervisors and got some media attention.
    Having as many residents as possible be vocal, write letters, and speak at the BOS public meetings can have a positive influence.

    The HOA will also work with VDOT to look at ways to slow traffic down. Unfortunately, speed bumps on VDOT streets in Loudoun are not allowed. Our best option is to look at places where stop signs can be installed. We can also look into having the major roads through Broadlands (Claiborne, Broadlands Blvd, Waxpool/Truro Parish) have an additional $200 fine for speeding. This has worked great at keeping the speed down on Ashburn Village Blvd. This is a semi-political process that involves coordination between the Board of Supervisors, sheriff's dept, and VDOT to get done.

    Lastly, the best way is to get involved. Join neighborhood watch, come to the HOA meetings and meet our deputy liason and talk with him to see if there are ways that residents can get involved to help the problem.

    Cliff (HOA resident Board Member)
    Feel free to email me privately or call me at 703-729-7320 if you'd like to discuss this further.
  6. Twriter

    Twriter Get a Mac!

    Feb 25, 2002
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    The Herndon police department has a portable speed checking trailer. They part it on a busy street and it displays the speed of the oncoming traffic as well as the local speed limit.

    Maybe the Loudoun County Sheriff's department has one too? If so, they could park in the median of Claiborne for a day or so.

    --- John B.
  7. jjenkins

    jjenkins New Member

    Dec 31, 2005
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    Loudoun does have one I have seen it on Ashburn Village many times. Just a thought -- how many that are for having more police patrols going to be the same ones to come and complain about all the police when they get a ticket?
  8. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    We have had it here a few times too along Claiborne at Broadlands. We'll be asking to get it here again.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  9. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    sounds to me like most of the complaints are on the through-roads in the neighborhoods.. not claiborne

  10. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Cliff - I will email/call you to discuss the postings and address what resources my husband and I can offer to both the HOA and the Sheriff's Office.

    We will attend the next HOA meeting (as per MsFlynn's post) scheduled for 02/07 @ 5:30. I understand that the resources are limited within the Sheriff's office and it is a delicate matter concerning where to spend County Funds - both education and public safety are equally important.

    During one of my responses I went on the record stating that my husband and I would donate $2,000 of our money towards the purchase and/or rental of radar equipment. It seems that our option would be for the HOA to purchase the equipment and again we would like to contribute $2,000 of our money to help subsidize the cost, as well as volunteer our time to the Neighborhood Watch committee (we sent Scott Bayles an email on 01/24 regarding volunteering our time to the committee).
  11. lilpea

    lilpea Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Cliff - I will email/call you to discuss the postings and address what resources my husband and I can offer to both the HOA and the Sheriff's Office.

    We will attend the next HOA meeting (as per MsFlynn's post) scheduled for 02/07 @ 5:30. I understand that the resources are limited within the Sheriff's office and it is a delicate matter concerning where to spend County Funds - both education and public safety are equally important.

    During one of my responses I went on the record stating that my husband and I would donate $2,000 of our money towards the purchase and/or rental of radar equipment. It seems that our option would be purchase the equipment and again we would like to contribute $2,000 of our money to help subsidize the cost, as well as volunteer our time to the Neighborhood Watch committee (we sent Scott Bayles an email on 01/24 regarding volunteering our time to the committee).
  12. neilz

    neilz New Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    We're also talking about Vestal's Gap, and Chickacoan. As Cliff said, we're looking at a number of things that we can do. One would require, I believe Staci said 95% of all the homeowners along the road to agree on.

    Eventually, once VDOT owns all the main roads, we'll put the extra $200 fine on those, however, on the side roads, we're not sure if that can be done, but we'll look into it.

    Neil Z.
    Resident since 1999
  13. afgm

    afgm Ashburn Farm Resident

    Aug 14, 2002
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    Wow, now that's impressive. Care to move over to the other side of the Greedway?

  14. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    I'm not sure speed bumps on Hunters Green and Vestals would do any good. Hummers and SUVs dont slow down for them so really you'd only be affecting the small percentage of small/medium cars in the neighborhood. Plus I doubt you'll be able to get 95% since I believe you would be raising fees for those neighbors to have them put in and maintained.
  15. hberg

    hberg give me some of your tots

    Jan 23, 2003
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    I agree. While speeding may be a problem on the main streets - I feel people are more aware of this. Without this turning into a those with kids v. those without kids topic or those w/pets and those w/out - it's the through streets that are a HUGE issue. Vestals Gap, Ridgeway - and believe me the elementary school slows no one down! These are streets with houses right on the street side, kids playing, dogs running - people out and about, Bikes, skates, this is where the potential for real disaster to happen lies.

  16. hberg

    hberg give me some of your tots

    Jan 23, 2003
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    What option are you looking at where 95% of the homeowners would have to agree? I think getting any amount of people to agree on something is real tough - and 95% wow. There are more than 5% that speed!

  17. hberg

    hberg give me some of your tots

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Uh Oh - if you are wanting only 95% of people living on a certain roads to kick in more coin, it won't happen. Now I myself would pay it - but knowing people, not a good shot. There will be a ton of argument about roads that feed onto their main one etc.. you either charge all or none.

  18. msflynn

    msflynn New Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    In order to get any of the VDOT approved "traffic claming" measures in place 95% of all streets affected (ie the road where the calming measure is placed and any side streets that connect to it)must sign a petition requesting action before the county and or the state will look into approving it. The traffic claming measures approved by VODT are
    Speed hump - a narrow, slightly raised area crossing travel lanes. Drawbacks: slows emergency vehicles, drainage problems, increased noise and maintenance cost. Cost $2,000-$3,000

    Choker - a physical curbside constriction narrows a travel lane. Drawbacks: drainage problems, increased maintenance cost. Cost $7,000-$10,000 per pair

    Traffic Circle - an elevated area in the middle of an intersection; provides counterclockwise traffic flow. Advantage: reduces left-turn accidents. Drawbacks: may reduce parking spaces and require additional right-of-way. Cost $3,500-$15,000

    Raised Crosswalk - a raised hump with a 10-foot-wide flat top. Drawbacks: slows emergency vehicles, potential drainage problems, increased noise and maintenance cost. Cost $2,500-$8,000

    Raised Median Island - an elevated area in the middle of a roadway. Drawbacks: drainage problems, increased maintenance cost. Cost $5,000-$15,000

    Crosswalk Refuge - a raised median in the middle of a roadway, with a cut for the crosswalk. Advantage: pedestrian safety. Drawback: increased maintenance cost. Cost $5,000-$15,000

    Chicane - alternating curbside constrictions channel travel in a snake-like fashion. Drawbacks: for divided roadways only, drainage problems, increased maintenance cost. Cost $5,000-$15,000 per set

    Obviously some of these are not pratical for this community but the speed humps and or chockers would help immensly. However that said I have been told Loudoun County Fire and Rescue will not allow any of these measures to be put in place because of the increases in the amount of time it takes for them to respond to a call.
    That leaves us with putting stop signs in place which is a hole additional political hoop to jump through but is something that we the board are persuing on some of the side streets that seem to have the most problems (ie Chickocoan, Ridgeway, Demott)
    Just to let you know traffic studies have been done on Ridgeway, Claiborne, Broadlands Blvd and Demott that I am aware of in the last 2 years. While yes we have a speeding problem as Cliff said it is not exorbitant for this area and thus we fight every month to get patrols stepped up in the area.
  19. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson New Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    There was a discussion about speed bumps. I'm assuming that the 95% is for that since in that discussion it was said the residents would have to vote for it and pay for it in increased dues.
  20. msflynn

    msflynn New Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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