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VDOT Plowing... Anyone get plowed?

Discussion in 'Broadlands Community Issues' started by smheese, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Donna F

    Donna F New Member

    Aug 31, 2006
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    Just as an FYI on to why it appears that no movement is being made on some of the streets and sidewalks:

    Our contractors have been out enforce trying to get these roads and sidewalks done, however, since the ice is so thick and takes a very long time to crack through they are having to spend a lot of time at one location. Trucks are breaking, calling in for extra support is not coming as quickly because all other areas are having the same complaints and problems. They are trying to put sand down to at least off set sliding, and are now putting salt down as well to at least make the roads passable.

    The sidewalks are being worked on after the roads are cleared or as they can manage to fit them in.

    I agree this is a problem, but all areas throughout the county are experiencing this and there are only so many trucks, personnel, etc to go around.

    The HOA is trying it's best to get it all done, but the same problems arise with our contractors as those that are occuring with VDOT too. Remember the HOA is not responsible for many of the streets in Broadlands, so if your street is maintained by VDOT you need to call the county to state your frustration. This list can be found in the newsletter.

    I can assure you it is not for a lack of effort that more progress hasn't been made.

    I would again state that it is the responsiblity of the homeowner to clear the sidewalks in front of your homes. Remeber school is opening on Tuesday and we don't want children walking in the streets because your sidewalk wasn't cleared off.

    All members of the HOA (Wes included) have been handling calls from frustrated residents and while we agree that this isn't a great situation we are trying to make the sidewalks, etc safe and clean.

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