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Verizon pricing for Phone and FiOS TV packages

Discussion in 'Southern Walk Announcements' started by SWHOA Admin, Oct 30, 2018.

  1. backtothewoooo

    backtothewoooo Member

    May 8, 2007
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    How much is the current SW HOA fee for townhouses BEFORE getting Verizon internet service? $25? Thanks.
  2. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Why are you ordering multiple DVRs? The model all the providers want you to goto is order 1 DVR.. and then use the networked STBs to consume from that DVR.

    Paying for the DVR box multiple times has nothing to do with SW and that's just FIOS in general. What is painful for FIOS vs other providers is the steep premium they want for 'enhanced DVR' which is really where they should be anyways to be competitive.
  3. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Broadlands North.

    How much did I earn for that research?
  4. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    I left out when i initially typed that i meant a community/HOA that DOES NOT already have one or both. But for your efforts you earn a thank you.
  5. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    See... this is the 'distinction' that I think it crap... or there is missing info that someone like Van Metre can provide.

    Both Verizon and Comcast have done high speed internet build outs all throughout the county into EXISTING neighborhoods. And no one had to go into bulk billing to get it. I'm sure it's cheaper for them to do a build out before a community is finished.. but that didn't stop them from building out their cable or fiber networks after the fact all over.. including in broadlands north. And never in any of the discussions we had with providers to get the HS internet rollouts out here involved the topic of hoa bound bulk billing. It was always bound by the provider's willingness and their slow expansion.

    New communities go up every day without these kinds of bulk billing arrangements - they are the exception, not the norm, in non-condo or apartment situations.

    Has no one just flat out cornered Roy from VM and said "how do you get the cable companies to build in your neighborhoods?" - Does VM pay them? Do the providers do it on their own based on some other factor?

    How many van metre communities do you think open with ZERO high speed internet options these days? I'd wager... zero unless you are way out west.
    alg and PDILLM like this.
  6. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Is Verizon offering cable cards for their video service? I already have TiVo roamios and don't need to rent their crap hardware. If I can't get a cable card I will go to something else. Not sure what yet.
  7. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    It is a great question--- but I suspect there is no straightforward obvious answer. If I'm anticipating the multiple answers that we would receive, reading between the lines would likely be the best answer which is "we do what we have to do to sell". That means in 2001-2006, guess what? There was an attractive smart neighborhood package that was way ahead of it's time. We are obviously talking about SW. Did those units sell? Heck yeah. By late 2000's did they learn something that locking people in made some people unhappy? Yes. Did they re-adjust their model to build a conduit/trench capable of carrying the multiple franchised wire line providers to compensate for this? Probably.

    Best to compare to two other OpenBand communities who signed deals with Comcast. The more important issue is "where do we go from here as a neighborhood"?
  8. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Your theorizing around the wrong party... It's not what VM offered.. it's about the providers.

    They don't use shared conduits.. This has nothing to do with the whole Openband model. It's about constructions and cable service in this region. What does it take to get a cable provider to build out in a community? You challenged people to find any solution OTHER than HOA bulk billing as if it were somehow the expectation.

    What I'm saying is we have two very senior Van Metre employees who have been in the industry and many communities for decades. They know the build outs, they know the financies, they know what it takes --- and not just for Southernwalk. They know the process. Did anyone talk to them, and what was their answer of how it works ELSEWHERE?

    I still believe the providers just out maneuvered the HOA... using the fear of no service as a tool to create a bid situation. I can not resolve how their obligations as franchisees in the county would leave the community with zero service providers. Timing could suck - but SW being left high and dry? I think people were playing a game of chicken.. and SWHOA flinched first.

    2-3 million build out? At $150/mon, 1000 homes, there is nearly 1.8 million in revenue opportunity every year... in a "rich" neighborhood.

    If anything, the problem should have been cable companies not wanting to build out new video infrastructure due to new competition.. and again, that's why I say turn to the industry vets and say "what is the norm to get a buildout done in a new build?" - because we know it's not the 3way hoa contract.
  9. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Are you talking Cable TV or are you talking fiber optic-based broadband platforms? Different capabilities. Cable TV itself was, as part of last-generation delivered over copper wire and regulated under the County franchisee agreements. Still is. Broadband, such as fiber-optic, is something separate and not specifically regulated. Read Loudoun County's Communications Commissions statement on "request for TV servce" under residential density: https://www.loudoun.gov/3094/Community-Request-for-Cable-Service

    Go through their meeting notes over the past couple years and trace back SW's request for services and how both franchisees tracked the request and the solutions they proposed and there was no challenge by anyone in the County to this approach. Look at other communities request for service and see the comments under "customer contribution". My point is request for cable is one thing, but broadband and fiber-optic does not necessarily equal cable. The telco industry has leverage over- not only the HOA, but public governance. In your ROI analysis by the way, I don't think it factors in current operations and maintenance, such as running a team of employees to service the contract in the neighborhood, annual inflation, and is based on the assumption people will order the 'extra's'. Based on people's comments here in the forums, maybe they won't and the majority of people will only order the bulk service. That extends the ROI period, for them, but gives everyone the choice to pick the platform they want (video/stream/dish/antenna). I know this is a major concern you and others have, but more important is where do we go from here.
  10. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    But no provider is going to roll out CABLE service... that isn't Internet enabled today. I know the franchise agreements don't mandate the newer services... but that's irrelevant because you know you will get both because it is impractical for a cable provider to roll out video and not internet today.

    I didn't say anything about ROI - I said REVENUE. The ongoing cost portion is not really all that relevant to this discussion because those costs are generally the same as every other installation. When exploring the commercial interests... they look at the ADDRESSABLE MARKET CAP. You look at your potential revenue from that action... costs are secondary because costs eat revenues, they don't create new revenue above and beyond what was there to start. And again, cost is something that is generally constant % in this kind of market analysis -- you consider things like density, access, etc... but customer A costs are generally uniform to customer B. You focus on how much will they buy, and how many of them are there. Decide if that's attractive or not... then balance that with the cost to reach them.
  11. cogs

    cogs Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    I get the impression you don't like anyone criticizing our HOA. That's OK.

    BTW, I am not critical on the HOA, but the deal could have been lot better if the HOA hasn't put all its eggs in Verizon basket.

    We have 1100+ homes. Guess what would be our options if the HOA removed the OB exclusive access and let the Free Market Determine the outcome. Verizon and Comcast would be competing for the business of individual homeowners in this community.
  12. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    It's cool you have concerns.

    I'll share my cost breakdown because I analyzed my OpenBand bill against what my Verizon recurring bill will be.

    I will be paying about $10 less/month, but I elected to get two set top boxes (versus just having one now) and elected the Extreme package (which has a few more channels than OpenBand). Also, when I look at my Gigabit connection versus my glass mile, I am looking at higher throughput. For me, this is better value than what I currently have.
  13. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    Steve - in simple terms, providers do still install cable. Comcast would still be obligated to install broadband cable to Southernwalk if we continued to request, lobby the County Commission for service. Our community meets the housing density requirements and the Franchise agreements would mean they have to provide service... at some point. But from what we heard, there was no guarantee how long this would take and personally, as a homeowner, I was not excited to get connected to "old" technology. So, if we did not get into a bulk billing agreement - the other options were worse that what we had.
  14. flynnibus

    flynnibus Well-Known Member Forum Staff

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Besides customer service... xfinity tops FIOS in several categories. I wouldn't have been worried about 'old' tech. No way Comcast would touch virgin ground and not put in their highest $$ making products.

    The potential for a service gap is the item I fully acknowledge as an issue. Just wonder if there was a fiscal model that could have worked to contract Openband to continue to provide 'life support' while the new providers rolled in. Instead of more of the same.. with just a new coat of paint. From the details I know, it seems like the 'buyout' is more like a 'payoff' that doesn't remove Openband from the situation and still continues this HOA obligation.

    The idea of 'no one knows when it will be resolved' wouldn't have been realistic for anyone to accept. But I don't really believe this outcome was the 'only' option as it's been advertised.

    I don't like people just using their conclusions as the authoritative answer. Don't dictate to me, convince me.

    This is incremental progress... but not sure where the total of all this ends up.
  15. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    Steve, it was never advertised as the only option. I respect your opinions and expertise but remember, there is a whole other part of this discussion that took place over the course of many HOA meetings. Someone could have come onto the Forums and said anything or voiced whatever opinion they wanted but the discussions were clear to me. This was the best option for our community, but not the only option. A lot of convincing was done during these discussions so that train had left the building.
  16. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Didn't Comcast flat-out say they were going to put in old technology if they were to move forward with our neighborhood. I seem to remember that was the case
  17. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    Yes, that is what we were told. But Steve knows better :joust: (sorry Steve, couldn't resist).

    The only way Comcast would roll out their new tech was with a contract... period. And remember, if this was such a questionable idea, ask yourself why Brambleton just re-negotiated yet another bulk billing agreement with Verizon. And why did Lansdowne negotiate a bulk billing agreement with Comcast?
  18. Excelsior

    Excelsior Broadlands emeritus

    Aug 1, 2014
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    There are issues around discussing the exact solutions proposed on a public message forum.
  19. L0stS0ul

    L0stS0ul hmmmm

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Pretty sure everything that has been posted here was posted elsewhere on this forum. I don't attend meetings so this is where I get my info
  20. Zeratul

    Zeratul Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2006
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    Remember, those of us that are not on the Board do not have access to the proposed solutions. The non-HOA Board members post their opinions based upon second hand knowledge at best. Should be ok since we are not in a position to claim first hand knowledge?

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