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Wireless Internet with VeroLan in the Broadlands

Discussion in 'Community Broadband & Computers' started by hornerjo, Jun 9, 2003.

  1. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    On May 15th the Technology Committee had a demo with VeroLan to show working 802.11b wireless in the Broadlands. Unfortunately we did not have enough of an advanced notice to get the word out, and the sheets of rain that night didn't help much either. For those reasons the Tech Comm. decided it was best to redo the demo.

    On June 24th (note: new date) from 7-9pm at the Community Center (next to the gas station) VeroLan will be demoing their wireless service for the Broadlands. We have negotiated services just for the Broadlands as follows (Note: subject to change):

    -Residential Service Rates (not for resale or distribution)
    -No transfer limits on uploads or downloads
    -Minimum One year commitment required
    -Activation fee of $299.99 will cover installation, activation and setup (One-year commitment)
    -Activation fee of $149.99 when sign-up for Two-year commitment
    -Activation fee of $49.99 with Two-year commitment for Internet and one year for DishNetwork or DirecTV new sign-up. Satellite TV 1 to 4 receivers
    -Usable public IPs are additional with a maximum of 2 per account (one comes with the plan, additional is $5)
    -No equipment to buy. (provided with free Life-time Support and Warranty)

    Connection / Monthly / emails / web space
    256kbs/128kbs / $59.99 / 10 / 30MB
    348kbs/128kbs / $69.99 / 10 / 30MB* special
    512kbs/256kbs / $79.99 / 15 / 50MB* special
    1,024kbs/512kbs / $99.99 / 15 / 50MB* special

    All questions and comments - feel free to ask!

    Broadlands Tech Committee

    Got Broadband?
  2. dgreene

    dgreene New Member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Are they doing loaner equipment to see how the service works out?

    I'd be willing to sign up for a month and see how I like it as compared to Adelphia ( who is having latency issues at the moment for myeslef ), as long as the cost is not prohibitive, $299 for setup is not really worth it so much as compared to the bandwidth plan ( I don't get DSL so can't compare the price ).

    Also, I was just noticing the OpenBand thing, and was curious about the service and bandwidth ( 111kbps is not bad for downstream ).

    I live in the Miller and Smith development, and I don't get that as an option. What areas in Broadlands do they cover?
  3. teak

    teak New Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    How about a trial offer? Test drive before buying in. After seeing the charges I'm not as excited about changing from cable modem.

  4. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    I do not think they will do loaner equipment. The antenna that comes with the service has to be set up like a normal Dish / DirectTV dish does. It can even attach to your dish if you already have one (or sign up on the other plan). What openband thing are you referring to? As for wireless, currently all of the Broadlands but they still have to do a quick site survey when you sign up. Some parts might not get service depending if something is blocking the line of sight to the tower.

    As for the test drive, they will be showing it at the demo. Beyond that, the Tech Committee will hopefully have this installed at the Community Center as soon as we can for anyone to drop by and use and play around with on the 2 computers we have set up there.

    Got Broadband?
  5. dgreene

    dgreene New Member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    The OpenBand.Net, they seem to service Landsown and Broadlands, however they say only new developments going up on Broadlands.

    It would be just another alternative really for a service provider.
    But, from my understanding they seem to be able to provide phone, cable and internet to your house via fiber. According to their website you get a 100MB connection ( I assume fiber ) to your house, but I believe that everything runs off of that connection and that does not reflect your internet connectivity.

    As for the wireless, where was the demo located, and where will the next one be? I'm mostly near Demott and Wax Pool for reference.

    Thanks. ( Adelphia slow for anyone else? I'm pulling in around 600+ ms to yahoo).

    --- Scratch that, I'm back in the 20's again.
  6. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    Openband is only running in the Broadlands South (for us). I'm guessing their new developments would be the new multi family housing currently being built.

    The demo was located at the Community Center, the new demo will be at the same place. It's located next to the Mobil station.

    Got Broadband?
  7. Tech Head

    Tech Head New Member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Three questions:

    1. Are the bandwidth speeds guaranteed?
    2. Where is the tower(s) located?
    3. Which of those bandwidth levels is comparable to what Adelphia is offering right now?
  8. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    I'm not sure if they are guaranteed for each line, probably for usage amount. Ie, if they hit 80% usage on the backbone they will upgrade it. We can ask at the demo. The tower is located on Belmont. Adelphia is currently running 3000/128, but the service is more around 1000/80. They will not let you run servers or have a static IP address.


    Got Broadband?
  9. Dwarflord

    Dwarflord New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
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    If I get the 256/128 plan does that guarantee me a minimum download and upload speed of those numbers, and depending on traffic load I could potentially get better than that? Or is the 256/128 the best I could get if "this were a perfect world"?
    If I do the install myself, will the activation fee be less?
    If we sign up for 1 or 2 years, will payment be required in advanced? or is it on a month to month basis?
    BTW, these prices are much much better than what they were originally looking for. These are now competitive, in my opinion.
    To answer the question of where the tower is.....go to the end of Truro Parish, heading towards Belmont Ridge rd., and look left. You will see the big tower about .5 to .75 miles away. You cant miss it, it is a no "BS" tower they have.
    Right now the 1024/512 plan looks good to me, Adelphia is really stinky poo and unreliable for me.
    When can we start signing up for the service, is their a date set up? and do we go through the committee to sign up or can we contact them directly to get this service?

  10. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    At our last demo they mentioned you would probably get a little faster than the speeds you sign up at.

    As for install, that was never asked. I'm actually curious also. Unless you really know what your doing I would not recommend it. Even if you do I'd bet they would still at least have to come out (or do a remote check perhaps) to make sure your signal levels are ok for the service plans.

    It's month to month on payments.

    As for signing up, I'll have to ask. Signing up would be though them and not the committee.

    Got Broadband?
  11. sheir

    sheir New Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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  12. Tech Head

    Tech Head New Member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    What?! What?! What?! Is Verizon installing Remote DSLAMS in Ashburn? Anybody know where?
  13. dgreene

    dgreene New Member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Rumor had it that when Verizon expanded the CO in Ashburn ( the one near the old part of Ashburn ) they actually had DSLAMs installed there.

    I pull circuit from that CO, and at one point was able to get DSL service, but was restricted to 128/128 due to distance limitations.

    The DSL was not provided by Verizon, but through another provider.
    That provider was Cais ( case? ) Internet, who has since been bought up. However Verizon still had to have the DSLAMs in place at the time in order for them to offer me service. Verizon issued that CO as having a DSLAM usable by third party DSL providers in their master list that everyone used to determine if they could provide service to a particular house.

    Rumor also had it ( I can't confirm rumors ) that the when the DSLAMs were installed, that some union ( don't know who ) was not allowed to actually turn them own because that would mean Verizon would have to pay them for something ( I don't know what ). Rumor had it that this union was sending out letters to residents in that part of Ashburn ( this came from a guy who lived out there ).

    I am pretty sure the DSLAMs were never removed, but I believe they have been there for around 2 - 3 years now.

    I also tried to order DSL last year and they did the line test from Quantico for some reason, not sure why, but told me I was to far away. I told them Quantico would be to far away.
  14. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    VeroLan is currenly updating their website with more information (such as SLA's etc). They are already signing people up in our area, so if you want to do so go ahead!

    Wireless Bridges: (they need to support WEP128 and have to be remotely

    * Linksys WET11
    * Orinoco Proxim Ethernet Bridge
    * YDI EC-II
    * YDI EtherAnt
    * 3Com WL-310

    Router: they need to be remotely manageable, support DHCP, Firewall, VPN, Log Enabled, DMZ port
    * Linksys BEFSX41

    You will also need an antenna to connect to the bridge (unless you live very close the tower I suppose).

    If you do elect to buy the hardware and do the install yourself, you will need to pay $49 for activation of the account. If they for some reason need to come on site to configure/fix your network the activation will be $99.

    Unless you really know what you are doing we highly recommend you have VeroLan come out and install the hardware.

    For more information and siging up contact: 703-266-1000x221 or 703-932-5259

    Got Broadband?
  15. hberg

    hberg give me some of your tots

    Jan 23, 2003
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    I am confused on this option. Is this not an option for those of us in Southern Walk? We are stuck with Openband - correct?
  16. hornerjo

    hornerjo Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2002
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    No, you can sign up for wireless in Southern Walk. It's like signing up for Satellite TV, if you want it you are welcome to get it. You will need to call Verolan to make sure your house can recieve the signal clearly. Keep in mind you will still be paying for Openband.

    Got Broadband?
  17. wantmys2000

    wantmys2000 New Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Well I just called Khalil Daoudi and signed up. It was very plesant to talk with Khalil instead of Adelphia Customer Service. VeroLan seems very open to working with what ever setup you might be interested in doing.

    So far this has been a very pleasent experience!
  18. Tech Head

    Tech Head New Member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Any idea on how soon you will be up and running? I'm sure we're all waiting to see how it goes!
  19. wantmys2000

    wantmys2000 New Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    They have installation slots open as early as this comming Wednesday. I signed up for Thursday.

    I will keep everyone up to date on how the install goes.
  20. EmporerZurg

    EmporerZurg New Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought the idea was not to have to install an external device on the house to receive the broadband signal? Does VeroLan have a non-dish antenna option?


    The Evil Scientist

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