Broadlands Live! Friday, September 3rd!

Rock out to Bach to Rock and then The Reflex from 6-9:30pm this Friday at Hillside Park. Come early for face painting and animal balloons starting at 5:30pm. Marcos Pizza, Ono Wai Shave Ice and Eathos (Mediterranean) will be offering yummy bites to purchase and Sweet Memories will be there to capture special moments. BYOB, ID’s must be presented to enter drinking area. No glass, no pets please.

The Broadlands Live! Committee is looking for responsible volunteers to help run the concerts. Please email Jason at to inquire how you can volunteer.


Modifications Subcommittee meetings will be virtual until further notice…

Starting with the August 18, 2021 meeting, modifications subcommittee meetings will be held virtually. If you wish to attend, please use the following link:

Pool Hours for August

Beginning August 16th, both the Summerbrooke and *Community Pool will be closed until further notice due to staffing shortages. **The Southern Walk Pool will remain open through Labor Day from 11:00am – 8:00pm, daily.

*LAP SWIM: Last day of lap swim was Friday, August 13, 2021, 5:00am – 8:00am

**SOUTHERN WALK POOL CLOSES EARLY ON SAT, 8/28: the pool will close at 5:00pm for the Middle School Pool Party event.