March 18, 2020 @ 7:00 PM
virtually via Zoom
Next Meeting will be held via Zoom. You may attend virtually at the following link: https://rdc-s111.zoom.us/j/93831528162?pwd=U2N5TlFMdzdCZzFFWjN3SDlCUXJzdz09
- Join Zoom Meeting: 938 3152 8162
- Meeting ID: Password: 418635
- One tap mobile: +13017158592,,93831528162# US (Germantown)
- Dial by your location: Find your local number: https://rdc-s111.zoom.us/u/ajahmPN65
Homeowners must submit an application along with required documentation to this committee if they wish to do any modifications to the exterior of their home or property. Submission deadline is 12:00 Noon on the Wednesday before the Subcommittee meeting.
To submit a modification, please click HERE>>
Questions regarding Modifications, please contact the manager at (703) 729-9704, press 3