October 13, 2020 – October 17, 2020 all-day
PHASE 5 (ORANGE) OCT 13-17(delayed a day due to wet conditions
• Avonworth Square (partial between Coulwood and Marburg)
• Coulwood Terrace
• Dilworth Square (partial between Coulwood and Marburg)
• Marburg Terrace
REMINDER: During the scheduled phases noted below, these streets will be closed
from 7:30am-6:30pm Tues – Saturday. If your vehicle is left in a common area parking space after
7:30am, it will be towed to another location in the neighborhood, most likely the
Southern Walk Pool lot. If you need to use your vehicle, it must be relocated to
another street that is not under construction by 7:30am each workday.
Click for Full Details: https://www.broadlandshoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Repaving-Project-Fall-2020-Info.pdf